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RE: Something I Don't Go Around Telling Just Anyone

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago

Damn dude if I could reblog this comment I would. Thank you.

37-5! Not 35-7 dammit, wtf's wrong with you? Pay attention.

Wassup man? So this is how it usually works, I stay in character for some or all of the content including this section. Figured an explanation was proper since you didn't skip me.

Take all the time you need, I'm glad you found the joint. Tell all your friends.

I don't usually read things out loud to her. She has her things and I have mine, we like it that way. On rare occasion someone says something I have to read out loud to her. Really, it's been a long time since I was, 'eh, listen to this....'

Your second paragraph. Thank you.


I don't know how you do it, but I always want to read what you write.😅

Say hi to her for me. Tell her it's the lad that never travels but is a photographer, hard to believe yeah.,😅