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RE: If A Time Machine Was Available, I'd Be On My Way!

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago

I'm not surprised they tried to change the story, they've been doing a lot of that lately. I think they're out to make our history appear better than it is.

Gimme a four week window sir and we'll meet you there. If we're already on the other side of the pond, 24 hours is plenty.


Your reply, changing history to make it appear better than it is, was exactly what Robin and I had discussed when I told her that the new theory is that slave labor was not used for the construction.
So few supposed facts are set in stone but rather quicksand.
When I get my ride in the time machine, I'll be sure to stop by, wherever you are at the time and give you a lift.

Your reply, changing history to make it appear better than it is, was exactly what Robin and I had discussed when I told her that the new theory is that slave labor was not used for the construction.

You are so right @thebigsweed, I also want to find out for myself, so if you don't mind passing by me around Christmas 2021, 9pm, don't be late please you have no excuse 😄

 3 years ago  

I went immediately to that burning of the Alexandria Library in Egypt and now how the historians are trying to say Julius Caesar didn't intentionally destroy it and how it was an accident.

So when I saw yours and the new explanation I instantly cringed. That's embarrassing dude.

The recording of history reminds me of a game of telephone we played as kids. By the time the message got back to you, it had taken many twists and turns and had little to do with the original statement.

 3 years ago  

A few more generations and they'll probably just edit, copy/paste Egypt and put Africa next to Israel like "see, slavery is a myth."