 last month  

Thank you!

Delighted to be of assistance. Should I be overcome by a strong weakness, they're the people I'll contact first!

 last month  

I'm so happy you think of me that way! I might even fly over the ocean to come help you.

 24 days ago  

!sbi status

Hi @owasco!

  • you have 443 units and 0 bonus units
  • your rshares balance is 8483715053592 or 3.565 $
  • your next SBI upvote is predicted to be 0.411 $

    Have you seen our website?
    It's a great resource to check your Hive SBI levels, along with your history of who has sponsored you and what upvotes we have provided you!
 24 days ago  

Thank you very much, but that amount can't be right.

!sbi status should be fixed now.

 24 days ago  

below is the info I see in my wallet. The upvote value hasn't changed in a few days, maybe longer.


The website API has been disconnected from the database for a few days. But you're right, the multiplier in the status response between next vote and balance value is incorrect. I will look into that.

Thank you. Wow - the RFK Jr book was an eye opener. Now Dr Bigelsen.


This popped up before I could start reading your link to Dr. Bigelsen:
“See The Messages Within You"

This eye-opening e-book illustrates wonderfully how Dr. Harvey Bigelsen's approach to the treatment of chronic illnesses such as Lyme and serious and life-threatening disease like cancer differs greatly from most western-trained medical practitioners.

He offers online classes and has other books for sale:

Lyme disease is notoriously difficult to diagnose. I sent @owasco a paperback on that.
And all the rest.
All the books, all the podcasts.
Still we had the lunacy of 2020, six feet of separation, masks, mandates, hysteria, families divided ("Don't come for the holidays unvaxxed!), and I continue to see ads like these, just this week, while playing Scrabble Go.

Dare I say #propaganda ....
Are the censors still shutting down our social media accounts...

I heard one of the Bigelsen brothers speaking at Anarchapulco. Fascinating stuff. If we can diagnose illness from a simple blood sample and treat the condition with homoeopathy, it makes the entire medical-industrial complex redundant.

One drop of blood: didn't Theranos make this claim?

that Theranos' technology could use a drop of blood to instantly test for a host of medical conditions.
.... a modernized blood test, advertising a cheap finger prick that could run any commercially available blood diagnostic on a device about the size of a large PC at lower cost than conventional labs that take up entire rooms.
Elizabeth Holmes recruited big names to her board of directors, like former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and former Secretary of Defense James Mattis, and drew hundreds of millions of dollars in private investment. Feted at conferences, gracing the covers of glossy business magazines, Holmes was held up as an icon of female leadership and achievement. And in 2014, she became the world’s youngest female self-made billionaire, and her company was valued at over $9 billion.

But The Wall Street Journal reported in 2015 and 2016 that Theranos' devices were inaccurate and that the company was secretly resorting to running blood tests on other companies' machines, the very ones her company was supposed to be disrupting.
But the technology was faulty. Whenever someone would ask how Theranos could do what it purported to do, Holmes and others would respond that discussing the inner workings of their machines would reveal trade secrets. Theranos had simply repurposed commercially available blood analysis technology to run on smaller amounts of blood, The Wall Street Journal revealed in October 2015.

More here:

Of course this could be the case with the Bigelsens, however, they seem genuine and anxious to share information. No matter whether you believe we're in a simulacrum, a video game or a world created as a test where we earn eternal punishment or reward, don't you think that it's pretty perfectly designed? Isn't it the sort of perfection which would include a simple diagnostic tool like this?

This has been on my mind, actually, esp. "a world created as a test where we earn eternal punishment or reward" - and reading of the Bigelsens led me today to reading about "psychic Edgar Cayce (pronounced Casey), who died in 1945 at age 67..."

Cayce, asked about Judas Iscariot, said the soul of Judas, the betrayer of Christ, was at that moment inhabiting the body of a man then alive. "But he said the man (with Judas` soul) was leading a constructive life, and it would have been devastating for him to learn who he once had been."
.... Lynn Sparrow conducts seminars for ARE ... telling us about Cayce, "a very ordinary man with an extraordinary ability." Born in 1877 in a rural part of Kentucky, the son of an uneducated farm couple, he quit school in 9th grade, then held jobs as a bookstore clerk and an insurance salesman, when at age 21 he inexplicably lost his voice. In the struggle to eventually regain it, he would discover that while in a trance, he could diagnose an apparently limitless range of illnesses and prescribe treatment; thousands of people believed themselves to be cured by the methods that Cayce directed.

Interesting! There are more things in heaven and earth an' all that.

As a tireless advocate for homeopathy and biological medicine, Dr. Harvey Bigelsen has courted controversy and endured legal persecution, while helping to change the public perception of healthcare. A true pioneer, Bigelsen co-authored the Arizona Homeopathic Medical Practice Act, and was appointed by then Governor Babbitt to establish a board, and while acting as president, to set the standards for holistic medicine. The law gives homeopathy equal legal status with allopathic and osteopathic medicine. For the first time holistic physicians attained true medical freedom within a peer reviewed board.