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RE: In the Heart of Charleston

in Silver Bloggers2 years ago

Oh, you are going that far North? Do tell!!! It was a wonderful walk, but, nothing compared to the museum that Europe is!

I can walk all day there and always see something new. I went back to your posts about Montmartre, one of my favorite parts of Paris. Well, they are all my favorites and I still want to go back there to live. I didn't comment as it was 2 am and I had to get up at six, but, I will go back later today because although it was 7 days, I wanted to vote it before that expired. I am still catching up!!! How bad! Power up today!

 2 years ago  

Yep, far north hehehe 🤭 will tell soon. Depends on where we get a rental. Hope we hear if the owners accept us before end of the week. 🤞🏻🍀🤞🏻🍀 than I know location. As so far we don’t have an end goal yet and just start driving just after Christmas 🎄 😉

I know what you mean. Europe is soooo different. So beautiful. Every country has their charms for sure.
I could live in a lot of places and be truly happy… all over the world 😎
Maybe one day you will go to Paris and live there, who knows what life brings.
No worries… Denise. All good. The Montmartre post was only from yesterday.
Take your time, everybody knows we are busy and it can take some time.

Yep, just done my power up and post about it 💪🏻🐝🥳🤩🎉 you know… I became a dolphin 15 November… in 11 months of being here 🤩 soooo happy. Woooohhhhooooo
Happy power up day @dswigle


 2 years ago  

Congratulations, you are a dolphin! Enjoy the bump-up!!! I am slower than you, but, I give away a lot of money every week, so it makes growing sloooooow. That is okay. :)

I find that is okay. it makes the little accounts grow faster!!

Thank you so much for stopping by! I hope you hear from the landlord soon!

 2 years ago  

Thank you so much Denise 😊😎😁
I have to grow a lot will I reach your account hp 😉 I think I have established enough to help others too now. And I help my friends as much as possible I can with upvotes and support and motivation.
It’s wonderful when we can help the smaller accounts. The more I grow the more I will help. As we all are… a “we” here.

As you say… all ok 😉 you are such an example here. Thanks for being you!

You are so welcome @dswigle anytime.
Thank you so much. We didn’t hear today. Hope we will tomorrow hear if they chose us as new tenants 🤞🏻🍀
Have a wonderful evening 😎
Bigg huggss 🤗🤗