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RE: Call me Silver Goat

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago (edited)

A very entertaining post, names, and goats included :) Thank you for it!

I browsed through my google photos collection and found another goat.

This one is Austrian!! :)

A proper Alpensteinbock.

Can you guess where I found it?

@tipu curate


Gosh, he's a beauty, looks quite at home there on the table, king of the castle I'd say!

Exactly and literally. This park is built around the castle :) See my other reply.


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Thank you very much, @ervin-lemark 😁

 3 years ago (edited) 

I have to thank you for your nice comment 😊

In some tourist areas or wildlife parks the animals are so used of people that they are not scared at all of them anymore, but I have no idea where you have taken this photo, sorry ;)

I show you a Slovenian Billy Goat and you show me his relative from Austria - nice 😁

Thanks a lot for the tipu curate 😀

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Danke vielmals. Hier ist er daheim -> :)

Oh, that's very close from where I live. We have often visited this park when the kids were younger and my son was there last weekend with his girlfriend. That's a really nice surprise 😃

Cheers and !BEER

So we are practically neighbours :)

It's one hour drive from Ljubljana to your area.

And I love to explore Slovenia - found a few waterfalls I haven't seen yet and hope that I'll find the time to visit these places and some other too :)

Cheers and !BEER

Great. I wish you many new waterfall findings, big and small ones. For example, there are plenty of them in Logarska dolina.

Are you familiar with this site?

Yes, I know the Logar valley, but I have been there only once for a ride. Thanks for the link, I haven't known this site before.
Have a great day 🌞

Cheers and !BEER

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@johannpiber, sorry!

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