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RE: Getting Things Done

Good you caught that tree when you did, don't want any surprises coming through the roof. When I was a kid, I always wondered why they cut the limbs off of seemingly healthy trees and then paint the ends silver? Never did find out, but it looks nice.

You're a night person like me, and while we're not suffering with the over 100 degree heat that those in other states are, we do get humid here in "The Keystone State" so I had to break out the dehumidifier and it does help.

Your line about selling yourself on the streets of Lousville (Kentucky?) made me laugh out loud, and reminded me of one of the websites I found out about when I was new to the net and visiting a place called Internet Roulette.

You clicked on it, and it took you to a random site on the net. One of them was of a site where people who were into cars (and I mean REALLY into cars, if you know what I mean) posted photos of them ineracting with tailpipes and such.

Who knew?

If you had seen the shocked look on my face! lol! We all like cars, but not that much! :)


Yep, L'ville Kentucky. I live in South East Indiana, about 15 minutes north of Louisville.

There are some weird peeps out there with some weirder fetishes. I don't even want to go down that rabbit hole. I can imagine the look on your face for sure.

Glad I could make you laugh. That was the intent.😀