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RE: Some time out!

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago

Good morning @papilloncharity, hope this finds you well.
All of the suggestions made for taking a break from work are spot on. During my working years, I always felt like everyday was a double shift. Home with the children by day, working in the hospital at night. But I was young and did what was necessary to properly raise my family as well as contribute to the kitty.

Looking back now at my age I think, how did I do it all? Answer #1, I had a great partner. #2, thanks to my mom, we were able to get away now and then by ourselves, she loved baby sitting and would always encourage us to check out once in a while.

Now our sentiment is, if you stop enjoying what you are doing, drop it, just take a brake.
I think this new project of @lizelle #Hive Silver Bloggers is going to be a success.
Just think of all the stuff us "mature" people know.😄

Have a wonderful day, don't forget to take a break now and again.

 3 years ago  

Hahaha, thank you madame and I have become a loud hailer for taking breaks, as my demented drive almost killed me. We rush here and there and everywhere for what ?
Bosses keep on tip toeing around us all of the time pushing us to do more and they cast little gifts called bonusses our way all for their own profit improvement. That's why me and bosses have parted ways a very long time ago.
So, nowadays I encourage people to take regular breaks.

You have certainly done well and you had great support and thankfully your mom understood the value in taking breaks. Also totally correct that one has to enjoy whatever it is that one is doing.
But how many are forced to do jobs that they hate for the sake of survival?
It is certainly a waste if one's heart is not in what one is doing.

Blessings and !LUV

 3 years ago  

I must say I was fortunate, I was a radiographer (medical imaging) and I truly enjoyed my work. The shift always flew by and I really felt fulfilled when I could help people get well. My patients were never the problem, it always came down to the "boss" and the organization, now that was where the stress came from.
You know what I mean @papilloncharity.😏

 3 years ago  

Wow, that job suited you well, as you have the right heart for it.
I know exactly what you mean and that was the main reason why I decided to do my own thing.
The last boss earned a fantastic salary and all of the benefits and I had to slave on a pittance, having him on my back daily. So that was the catalyst and I decided no more.

Looking back, I don't regret it for a moment and instead it was the best decision that I ever took to slam my immediate resignation on his deck. It was a specialized industry and all of a sudden he sat without a factory manager. Of course he made some overtures, but I told him that he should have made them while I was working there.

Life does not wait for us my friend, we must go out and get it.
People like you make me feel happy and thank you.

Blessings and !LUV

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