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RE: A story from my youth: The ugly tree

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago

The tree didn't do much rubbing on me, it was more a battering to the face hence the way I look these days; damn that ugly tree. Although I'll grant your point, beauty comes from the inside and externally it is in the eye of the beholder. Me? Well, I am what I am and the right people will see, the others don't matter.

That guy falling out of the tree did a pretty good job of it. I have to say mine was quite similar although yes, far more branches. Still, everything happens for a reason and if I didn't fall out of that tree due to my failed monkey-grip I'd never have written this story. :)

Re: Going to hell. You don't seem the type. Me? Hmm, I'll probably end up down there. (Running the place.)

 3 years ago (edited) 

The nuns kept their charges toeing the line with repeated threats of having enough infractions that would warrant the eternity of hell. It wasn't until I grew up a little that I realized it wasn't up to her. :))

Running the place. I didn't see that coming. LOL

Lol...Maybe not the big boss. 2IC though. Lol.

This story made me shudder and kinda chuckle at the same time. Someone once said "scars show that you went to war and survived and besides - chicks dig 'em" so there's the silver lining.

I practically lived in the garden big tree as a kid, gosh I even slept in it a few times during the day, strangely without falling out, perhaps my monkey grip was just too petrified to fail? Funny that I now suffer from a fear of heights, back then it just wasn't really a thing.

Always enjoy your stories Galen. Have a good one. Cheers

Your monkey grip is strong it seems and I'd expect no less from the likes of you. I'm glad you didn't fall out of any ugly trees hitting your face on every branch on the way down as I did...Someone has to be beautiful! Lol.

Thanks for reading and commenting, I'm glad you were entertained.