When trust is broken it can't be repaired easily

in Silver Bloggers2 years ago

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Last week I was deeply hurt by a family member. She broke my heart and years of trust were broken, and unfortunately this is not easy to repair. Trust is like a piece of paper that is crumpled, and it can NEVER be perfect again.

According to google, trust can be defined as the following:

a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something."relations have to be built on trust" Synonyms:confidence, belief, faith, certainty, assurance, conviction, credence; reliance "good relationships are built on trust"

The fact that the trust was broken by a family member is not really the case here. In general it is very difficult to trust anyone these days. Most people are so into themselves that they don't really care about anyone else and only think about themselves.

This whole trust issue made me think about this story.

This is the story about a frog and a Scorpion.

Once there was a scorpion that wanted to cross the river. He walked along the banks of the river and tried to find a way to cross the river. He couldn't find any place where he could cross. He then saw a frog sitting on a rock next to the river.

"_Mr Frog, would you be able to help me cross the river. I can climb onto your back and then you can take me across. _"

" Why would I even do such a thing? " the frog said: "Once you are on my back then you will sting me and I will die."

"You have to help me. I can't swim and I need to get to my family."

"If I decide to help you, what will keep you from trying to kill me once we get to the other side?"

"I will be so grateful... why would I reward you by killing you, and coincidentally if I kill you then I will also die because I will drown."

The frog thought about this and then told the scorpion to climb onto his back and slowly they crossed the river.

About halfway through, the frog felt a terrible sting in his back and felt a numbing feeling in his legs.

The scorpion had stung him.

"You fool, why did you do this? Now we will both die!"

The scorpion shrugged and said: "_It is in my nature, I could not help myself _"

Then they both sank into the river and drowned.

We have all made that mistake of trusting someone and then we get disappointed in some way. Many of us act exactly like the two animals in this story. We trust people too easily because we believe that people are trustworthy. If you have such a person in your life, keep on building that relationship.

A really trustworthy person is a hard find. Even though I will try and build the trust again, I don't think that the relationship I had with this person will ever be the same again.

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I have "broken" people's trust and burning bridges.

Sometimes it was never what i wanted.
i had to stand up for what's right, because moral conscience is important.
I always tried to keep true to myself
but i ended up hurting the one's around me.
Yet sometimes i think it was not me that broke the trust
as I never had any ulterior motive other than to set things right
It was through their misunderstanding and contempt for what they had to confront
through my standing up for truth and morality
that caused the divide.

Your post really made me think...and fuck you're making me remember all those bad emotions...

@jin-out it helps me to post about this as I work through emotions this way. It is a rather negative post and that was not my intention at all but we should look to the future and get past all the bad things that happened to us...hope you get rid of these thoughts quickly.

No harm done GBear

We all need to self medicate and check in on our skeletons in the closet...or those fuckers will come for us when we least expect them.

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