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RE: Teddy

You are an amazingly strong man @galenkp, I admire that you went through so much yet it brought out the best in you! No wonder that you still are a tad distrustful of people though, but Teddy stood by you through thick and thin. We all need that one thing to hold on to, and I don't mean literally, but sentimental objects often bring comfort to me.
I grew up in a big loving family and was shocked when I got to high school and one of the girls for no rhyme or reason said some real nasty things to me! Fortunately that did not stick as I'd had a good grounding with my parents making us believe in ourselves and that we could do anything we set our hearts on, even though we did not have it broadly back then.
Your Teddy still looks so gorgeous, you really looked after him as much as he took care of you. Thank you for an awesome #bow once again!
Silver-Blond Lizzie :)


Thanks Lizzie, your words are meaningful and much appreciated.

I can't define exactly what makes me up and why I feel and do as I do, but past experiences are one aspect of it of course. Parents and my own self I guess also. Oh, and teddy as well!

I can be incredibly strong yes, but I'm also as flawed and broken as the next person, maybe more. It's as much a part of me as the strength, perseverance and endurance I can display; one leads to the other. We're complicated animals I guess.

Like you I've seen the worst in people and I've been the worst in people also...That's the dichotomy of human beings at work; good do bad and bad do good. It's weird but true.

Life is a journey...I'm glad I had teddy along for the early part of mine; a valuable friend. :)