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RE: We May Have Sold the House Already!

Wowy that is fast, scary, exciting AND sad, so many emotions, I can just imagine!
We're loving our home & garden and running the bnb but are not getting younger...sounds awful seeing those words here!
We put our names down on a waiting list at a lovely retirement village 5 min drive to the sea about 3 years ago & were told the waiting list is 5-6 yrs, suited us just fine! But received an email that a 3 bedroom home is up for a life rights we'll take a drive just to look next week even though we're still not ready to make a move to a more sedentary lifestyle just yet.
Yours is a really adventurous move but if you're both keen, it could turn into your best move ever!
Looking forward to seeing what happens 🤔🙃 It's all written in the stars ⭐⭐⭐