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RE: The dim distant past or the bright and close future

Oh wow, it's crazy how time flies and how much we have done but though it feels like we have done nothing, hehe.

Partner that was indeed a mouth watering dinner you made and ate alone 😏.

I see you have got the week covered, that is a really good move partner, I really hope I can do that and just schedule mine as well, jejeje.


Well partner I schedule things, but doing them is another story.
Let's see how I get on this week!

Okay, I hope everything goes smoothly this week partner 😊.

Let's hope so partner, are you dancing now...

Yes, let's keep our fingers crossed 🤞. No partner, I'm not dancing right now, jejeje.

no dancing! Oh partner, I need to change that!

Hehehe, yes I think you need to 😂😂.

oh dear you have me smiling and laughing partner!