She's a Snob!

in Silver Bloggers7 months ago (edited)

A few days ago while attending a wake down the valley, I met a classmate way back in high school. She (Mrs. M) is a sanguine who talks way too frankly, even in the midst of other people. She was so curious why I was carrying a pup, instead of a real baby. I ssshhh'ed her because there were other people seated beside us. She stayed quiet for a while.

"Oh geez, she's a snob!"

I heard her say all of a sudden. "Most of our classmates say so about you, don't you know that?" she continued when I turned my head toward her.

Well, those words are not new to me. I've heard them a lot of times before (not much these recent years because I rarely listen to what other people say). My quiet, reserved, and introverted nature is often misconceived as being snobbish.

There are certain circumstances or environments where I tend to become a different person though — like when participating in extra-curricular activities (way back in school) and when I was in the 9-5 lifestyle (working years) — where another side of me seemed to have been unleashed.

God knows how many times I found myself thrown into what I would normally call uncomfortable situations (business presentations and/or pitches) but managed to come out of them without cowering down. Weird? Yep!

Outside of those, I'm simply me. If we were just introduced to each other, you would not expect me to be talking to you first. Someone has to initiate the conversation but that wouldn't be me. Even so, I would only say a few words, smile, or grin and that's it. I would usually just listen while you chat away and wouldn't share a piece of my mind unless it is directly asked of me and when I'm comfortable giving my thoughts.

If we were to meet along the way, I would either smile at you and move quickly or just pretend I didn't see you, especially when I know you talk way too much, LOL! (I wonder if I'm the only one who does this).😅

That's probably why most people think I'm the biggest snob they ever met.

I might sound chatty in the virtual space but it's the opposite in real life. I only talk comfortably to my family and friends — people who are really close to me. But there are those who, for some reason, make me feel like I've known them for a long while and they are an exemption.

Anyway, back to Mrs. M, she kept whispering things or comments that she heard pertaining to me. Laughing demurely, I told her it's how I guard myself from people who I know would suck the energy out of me. She finally got it and went silent and after a while, she asked if I wanted a cup of coffee. I think it was her way to get out of the situation, LOL! Not to be completely rude, I said yes and when she got back with two cups, we enjoyed them quietly.

So yeah, perhaps she confirmed herself that I'm truly a snob.😂

Photo my own. 17112023/11:00ph

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Hehe, sis! Very nice that you put Mrs. M in her place even if she truly believed you were a snob, lol.
I too can pass for a snob and even as unfriendly. If I don't feel comfortable, I'm very reserved.

If we were to meet along the way, I would either smile at you and move quickly or just pretend I didn't see you, especially when I know you talk way too much, LOL! (I wonder if I'm the only one who does this).😅

Haha, I do this too, so you're not the only one on this table. I'll just act like I didn't see you.

Plus, I think I am an. ambivert, it depends on who I am with, I could be very cold and quiet and I could be expressive only to a few people.

lol I had to laugh when you both enjoyed the coffee quietly thereafter. I donot think you are a snob you are just an introvert and dono speak much.As you said it does not matter whatpeople say - you will just continue to be yourself and that is wonderful.

I am very social and not an introvert but I do not always like to speak and certainly not to everyone. We can enjoy silence sometimes - there is lots of beauty and wisdom in silence.

What would be the other side of the stone wall?

How do trees get on the internet?
They log in.

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 7 months ago  

It's a walkway going up to the mountain top. A tourist attraction.

We're the same sis . So people would be bored if they were with me coz I won't talk unless they approach me.. My shy and introverted self is also misconceived as being a snob..but I guess we become different when we are with people we are comfortable with like closest friends.. I become talkative and jolly too at times depending on the situation and people around me hehe


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 7 months ago  

Haha yeah. Sanguine people will easily get bored with us because they are our opposite, they talk too much.


Lol was I reading your post or had I written this myself when I wasn't fully conscious?
I don't talk too much or initiate conversations too.
Nonetheless I seem very chatty on cyberspace and in real life with my loved ones, I mean the ones I love.

Being silent could be considered snobbish, I notice.
I grew up with a whole bunch of boys, my brothers so I can't actually be bothered about saying sweet crap, I always say things to peoples face, maybe I am not what they expect me to be.
Enjoyed reading your post lol. It was like a mirror to myself in places.

 7 months ago  

Maybe while you were dreaming, you might have come to me and made me write it for you 😅

It seems there are quite a lot of people similar to us in this case :) We talk a little too much here in the virtual space but not so IRL. People's expectations can be unreasonable at times and we shouldn't care anyway.

Glad you enjoyed reading :) We have a connection already 😍

Maybe I did come in my dreams 😀
Yes we do have a connection.
Have a lovely day @ifarmgirl

So you are a snob. 😅😅.
I think in real life when we talk less with others means when we are introverted kind of people, many people misunderstood us thinking we are attitude time person 😅. So I can understand the reason why you became a snobby person 🤣.

 7 months ago  

Not so, !LOLZ . Only to people I don't connect with, haha!

What did the painter say to the wall?
One more crack like that and I'll plaster you!

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This is me too. We are the same sis. I don't initiate conversations and answer what is being asked if I am not cpmfortable with the person. But I am chatty with close few and family.

If we were to meet along the way, I would either smile at you and move quickly or just pretend I didn't see you.

Haha, I also do the same. Lucky if the other person see me first then I'm obliged. 😬

 7 months ago  

Apir sis, lol!

It's funny when we try to avoid them but they insist on talking, lol! It gets so awkward at times.


Give me Mrs M's address I want to go teach her a lesson!! I will be waiting for a response, thank you my Lady🥰

 7 months ago  

Haha, sending you in private message, lol!

Happy Friday, !LADY 😍

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If I meet a friend I haven't seen for a long time, I will greet him, if he says I'm arrogant then I will smile while calling someone so I can get away from him. otherwise I will be asked a lot of questions.😅

 7 months ago  

Haha, what a way to exit, huh! It's funny how we do things just because we are avoiding people we don't want to spend time with, !LOLZ

What did the shark say when he ate the clownfish?
This tastes a little funny.

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@hendriwardewa, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of ifarmgirl


you kinda sound like a snob 😛 but my partner is the same as you so I don’t have a big problem with snobs 😆 I’m half joking, that’s honestly fine to avoid social situations and all that, but the more you avoid them, the more awkward they can become.

Many people can be overwhelming and difficult but not everyone! I would ignore the gossip and drama though!

 7 months ago  

Haha, thanks for that. At least it shows, lol!

the more you avoid them, the more awkward they can become.

Oh, this is so true. I was just telling Bluepark about it :)

It's best to ignore gossip and drama. They simply steal time and don't even add joy to life.

😣 Who is the person that said my main person is a snob? Let her show face, let me see!😀🤣🤣

But wait ooo! You, yourself are you a snob?😜

Never mind them, just keep to your nature. It pays to be quiet than to be noisy and obnoxious. But being a snub isn't bad altogether.

 7 months ago  

Yeah, not minding them at all :) Thank you, !LADY

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just be you and don't care about what other people talk about you .

It must have been a time of bringing back memories because long term classroom. She still even recognize you

I considered myself as introvert back when I was younger. When I was exposed in a field, I became talkative. Lol! Though there are times, I pretend I didn't see someone when I smiled at them but didn't smile back or might haven't noticed me. LoL


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