Thursday's Yays

in Silver Bloggers24 days ago

Magandang buhay!

It's Thursday na, whew! I hope it is going well for everyone.

For the first time in the month, the rain did not come so that's a yay! The land is finally taking a break from being wet, and most importantly, the air is a little warmer which is another yay for this gal who loves a sunny day.😊

Bush flowers drenched in morning dews, photo by the husband.

So yes, much of today was spent away from the screen (i.e. computer and smartphone, well, except when I took a few photos). I did not even attempt to come online after the hubby left in the morning. That was just me being determined to spend the day a bit more differently (and healthily).

My good disposition brought me instead to the backyard and had me planting (sowing) corn, beans, and Lollo Rossa (red lettuce). The job was done around 10 am and I was already starving, just in time for a mid-morning snack. A good ole sandwich and a whole ripe mango gave me the needed fill.

Next was transferring the potted tomatoes outside the shade. I reckoned they yearned for more sunshine (just like me, haha)! Thankfully, the fungi infection stopped spreading after I pruned the infected leaves and sprayed the healthier ones with the soda/dishwashing concoction. Lunch ensued after a quick clean-up and shower.

My little companion had loads of playtime with me in the afternoon. Here's him tickling me on the toes as I was about to nap on the bean bag. Isn't that naughty?

He just knew how to get attention, lol!

Photo by me.

Anyhow, that was how my Thursday turned out to be. It gave me a sense of satisfaction to have done something productive off the screen. It was only around 4 pm when I logged on, and I have yet to check off all the day's online tasks but I am trying to get to most of them before bedtime (soon). If not, the others will have to wait until tomorrow.

Here's to a wonderful day (night) wherever you may be.


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Coming alive outdoors after rains have moved on, nice to enjoy the garden once again, have a great night too!

 23 days ago  

Thank you Joan. It was a wonderful day and Friday is bright too 😍

Magandang buhay!

What is the meaning of it? I think you said the meaning once but I forget about it.

The rain stopped there and it seems you became happy about it but in my place, I am waiting for rain badly because the extreme heat makes me feel irritated.

 23 days ago  

It means "beautiful life," my way of greeting hehe

I'm sorry to hear about the heat there in your place. Sounds like you're still in summer.


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👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
❤️ @bhattg suggested sagarkothari88 to upvote your post ❤️

The bush flowers looks so beautiful, it's being favoured by the nice weather

 23 days ago  

Thank you and yes, morning dews are common here especially when the night is cold :)


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🌞 It's so refreshing to take a break from screens and enjoy nature, probably the older we get the more we appreciate such moments, ppl often underestimate the influence of the sun light in our mental health, for once I cant stay home alone, I tend to get unproductive, lack of sun light 😅

 23 days ago  

Yeah, such moments bring more life and bliss to the soul. Some people find joy and peace in the rain, others in the sunshine :)


Dearest friend I absolutely love your "Thursday's Yays" post! Your positivity and the little joys you shared really brightened my day. Thanks for spreading good vibes

 23 days ago  

Many thanks. I'm glad this simple post did something good :) Have a fantastic day

It absolutely did dearest friend

There are also some days that i don’t want to touch my phone to at least protect my eyes
You had a god day though

 23 days ago  

We do need to give our eyes some good rest too :) Thank you !LADY.

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Another day to enjoy the beautiful view of nature all around the world

 23 days ago  

Yep. And Friday came fast!

Here in our city, the temperature is running at 45 to 50. It's very hot and the flowers that are there are in bad condition because they are not getting water.

 23 days ago  

It's really hot out there. Stay hydrated. Hope the flowers will make it through the season.


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A sunny day is always a beautiful day and you have really done a lot of work on your garden. I love tomatoes and peppers, so I'm preparing a small garden to plant them... 😊

You are craving for the sun while we are craving for the rain...😄 Different strokes for different folks.

Hahaha... Do you know I was crying for the rain, two days now, I want it away because it has made me wet and shivering with cold.
Yours is the sun, I hope it doesn't get too hot... 😄