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RE: Travel Diary 1978 - Part 5 - Italy - France - Britain

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago

Delighted you enjoy seeing the old photos they really date us too 🤣I think one becomes more persnickety as one gets older, perhaps it's just me...

For fun one could estimate how many Mini's you could stack into the Arc de Triomphe any which way to get the maximum ha ha....

!WINE to dine later...
!ENGAGE 10 (not sure I got enough)
!BEER always after long walks, safer than water if consumed slowly!


... and it's funny to see how we looked like or how my father looked like with his moustache and the huge sunglasses 😎

I have been thin as a toothpick and I have been very picky. That has changed over the years 😉

Haha, I am too lazy to calculate that, so my answer is many, many Mini's 🤣

!BEER and !PIZZA - nice 😃

Long hair, facial hair on men and bell bottoms, normally John Lennon glasses if you enjoyed shades always a good laugh looking at the era.

Good times, good memories that change us into who we are, we mellow with age, well most do.

That was a bit of fun about Mini, it would be quite something to estimate 😆


Yep, exactly 😎

Well, it's lunchtime and I have got a few minutes ;) So let's calculate ... in 1964 a Mini Cooper was 3.060 × 1.410 × 1.350 meters in size what makes 5.83 cubic meters. The Arc de Triomphe is 50 x 45 x 22 meters in size what makes 49,500 cubic meters ... my result would be 8,490.57 Mini's - please tell my boss if I'm wrong. Maybe he says I can retire earlier 😁

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

⭐️🌟 Ha ha knew I would get you calculating this one since information is readily available for 1978 mini model and Arc won't change size hopefully, sorry you stay on the job a bit longer... Still too fresh to retire yet!

The most people crammed in a Mini (Classic model) is 27 and was achieved by Dani and the mini-skirts (UK) at the London to Brighton Mini Run in Brighton, UK, on 18 May 2014. Source



Oh yeah, I tried to find the weight of the Arc and calculate that too, but didn't have enough time here at work ;) lol

I think I have seen a photo or even a video of this world record - Mister Bean is the best, I love him 😀

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Too much thinking for one day!

Enjoy the evening knowing we achieved some "proof of brain" today LOL....

Right, it's too hot for thinking today anyway - I'm going to change my clothes for motorcycle gear in a minute and hop on my bike for a ride 😁
Have a wonderful evening Joan 😊

Cheers and !BEER

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