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RE: Storm Frederick And Consequences

in Silver Bloggers7 months ago

Change in season storms have been severe this year, not a pretty sight seeing uprooted trees where so much wildlife relies on what is offered.

Heavy weather still to follow in your region by what I saw during the week with plenty snow predicted as well.

Ride the storms out in safety, I check weather forecasts regularly at this time of year with heavy electrical storms that tend to descend upon us without too much warning.

@tipu curate


This year we have a lot of extremes everywhere - records in high temperature in summer and now this. I read today that we may experience something unusual - snow and lighting at the same time.
Crazy, ha?

I was pleased to see after the storm how the squirrel was OK and running on its errands and many birds are back in the park. But the trees that are gone, well this is really not good. Some were old and dry, but still served well.

Take care and thank you very much for the curation!

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Weather comes in patterns over every 7 to 8 years, people forget then think it is abnormal or newfangled ideas of 'climate warming', we have lived through extremes. It's simply Mother Nature sorting out as she has always done.

No excuse though for humans not to take care of the environment, we too are an added burden. Filthy seas, decimating tracts of land for development, dumping modern technology into water killing whales or on the land killing bird life.

Batten down the hatches, stay safe 🙂

Hmm, thinking about the pattern, I tend to forget this, I am afraid.
But it is true that we have done so much for so little time changing the environment not for good.

Batten down the hatches.

This is a new phrase I learned today. 🙂

With wind turbines going up everywhere (ugly as they are) not really going to help with electricity vs damage we are creating using them. Cleaning up plastic is another major problem it does not recycle as they profess.

Jet streams pushing conditions from West to East or visa versa are a built in system we have no control over, need to be logical and think about what works. Alas 'dirty' coal powered systems also assisted the earth in the long term creating new green areas.

Enjoy your new phrase it will come in handy when required.