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RE: Travel Diary 1978 - Part 2 - Dover (UK) - Oostende Belgium - Luxembourg - Holland

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago

We married in '76 travel '78 moved to Durban '80 stated family two year later, itchy feet has me wanting to do Finland, Estonia, St Petersburg Russia, Poland, Hungary, Austria region.

On the other hand still want to amble up West Coast to Namibia, Botswana one day, we keep dreaming...

!LUV learning and seeing different regions of our beautiful world....

 3 years ago (edited) 

Same here and the thought is to start with a mobile home from Amsterdam. One day I am sure and if not, then so be it as then it wasn't meant for me.

Namibia and Botswana is fairly easy to do methinks.

#LUV also to you guys.

Enjoyed it through the lens of my brothers who worked the region in different places, will plan a trip one day all going well.

 3 years ago  

Oh yeah and don't forget to include Swakopmund in your travel plans, as it is my favorite.