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RE: A funny story today.

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago

People do what is needed to put food on the table, we reminisce about mine dumps, I would like to know how much dirt we live with now, what we breathing in, noise pollution and contaminated water.

Will enjoy the weekend whatever the weather, each day some new surprises one way or another.


 3 years ago  

Oh yes and I hate noise. Thankfully pollution is not so bad, but the crop spraying is a problem.
Then we also have many fynbos allergies here.

Makes life worthwhile if exterior influences don't disturb the inward serenity.
Be it what it may one just continues on one's way.


Only time Durban air is clean is after a good wind and storms go through, noise is painful from five in the morning to around ten at night with road traffic.

Find a way to mentally get through one way or another.... Family Chat again tonight!


 3 years ago  

Ha, in my younger days I have been in some of the bad spots in Durban and it was not a pleasant experience. Johburg has gone the same way and I suppose today it's much worse all over.

Cape Town City looks much better but the traffic is like a bee hive.
One thing that I keep on repeating is that I will never live in a city again.

There is always a way and yes the Family Chat told us nothing new.


We had good fun in Jo'burg back then, only ever holidayed in the Cape and Durban South Coast seldom in cities.

Vehicles on roads is horrific everywhere, had the previous government had some foresight they would never have rid the city routes of trams, now this lot have damaged trains, everything is on the roads!

Family chat was a waste of time, although am grateful they are starting to see the trees for the woods becoming more aware that we Africans are a forgotten continent more often than not.


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 3 years ago  

Oh yes, Hillbrow saw a lot of me in the late 60s and early 70's , but then I got married and the slog started as I had kids to feed.
My holiday spot was at the Vaaldam during the construction close down in December. I worked my way up from carpenter to foreman and then manager. But then the industry slumped and we were all retrenched. A long story and more than 50 jobs later I am where I am today.

Let's just hope that they can repair the damage as we desperately need to get the trains going again. That is if the culprits will allow it.

Sadly like China this continent will also be described in the media as the continent of plagues.
With all of the corruption going on here we already have a bad reputation.


I think Hillbrow was everyone's haunt back then, meet friends at Milky Lane or Fontana, take in a live band in night clubs, watch movies or muck around to fun.

Learned to fish and swim in Vaal river at around age 4 having an uncle living down there working in steel works at Vereeniging. Used to catch the train on a Saturday morning early and return to West Rand on a Sunday afternoon, that was good fun!

Much is wrong here, but when people work their angles with lies and deceit I am like a bull in a China store seeing red.

Have a great day, oh it's hot here again....


 3 years ago  

Jolling was the name of the game and yes much fun was had. Those were the days my friend, to quote uncle Cliffy. Lead singer of the Staccato's were my neighbor and I had free entry to many clubs. Also made friends with the leaders of other bands such as Bengy of the Band of Gypsies and Larry of Larry John Page and the Visions. And a few others that I don't remember.

Great that you know the Vaal river and yes we have also been down there a lot. Was even trapped in a big flood there some years ago. We were downstream and they opened all of the sluice gates. It was a harrowing experience and I posted about it.

I caught this Carp at our spot at the Vaal river some years ago. Catch and release of course.

Political spin doctors will always be with us my friend and when it comes to power you can see that money talks. For where are all the hatred between the parties, before they have now amalgamated to suddenly work together. Skullduggery if you ask me and I can see hard times ahead as everyone wants to be in charge. Not to help the people, but to get the money.
So I can see a hard road ahead.


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