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RE: 800 for one month $?? for 3 Months

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago

... and they know that you and I and all the other people need them. It's good that you have an insurance. I always complain about the money we have to pay monthly for insurances, but sometimes we need one and then I'm happy to have it :)

I hope there's some !PIZZA left in the fridge, because the !BEER is out :)


I to used to complain about the huge amount we paid each month for insurance, especially until my 50s where I would go for years infact decades without seeing a DR, but now with getting older and Lulus fall etc I am not complaining at all

!PIZZA is nice but even better with !WINE or !!BEER

Yep, that's what I meant, as long as you don't need it, it is too much, but one day you will be glad that you have paid and smile :)

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

@johannpiber, sorry!

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👍🙂👍Cheers and !BEER

@tattoodjay denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
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@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

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