Un pueblo que nos traslada al viejo Oeste Americano| A town that takes us back to the old American West

in Silver Bloggers14 days ago


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Imagina por un momento llegar a un pueblo vaquero, cierra los ojos por un rato e imagina la cantina, iglesia, tiendas, y muchos vaqueros con sus esposas e hijas caminando por esas calles llenas de arena, tierra del color de la arcilla. Hoy pude disfrutar de un pueblo vaquero modernizado, este pueblo tiene solo veinticinco años.

Hello users!

Imagine for a moment arriving to a cowboy town, close your eyes for a while and imagine the cantina, church, stores, and many cowboys with their wives and daughters walking through those streets full of sand, clay-colored earth. Today I was able to enjoy a modernized cowboy town, this town is only twenty five years old



Hoy tuve la oportunidad junto a unos amigos de poder visitar este lugar turístico, ubicado en Valencia- Venezuela- Estado Carabobo-Barreras. Vía Campo de Carabobo. En este lugar podemos encontrar: piscinas, toboganes, un variado menú, sala de baile, habitaciones y salas para conferencias. La atención me pareció excelente, también hubo un grupo de animadores que dejaron toda su energía para que estuviéramos felices, entre bailes, concursos y muchas risas transcurrió el día.

Today I had the opportunity with some friends to visit this tourist place, located in Valencia- Venezuela- Carabobo-Barreras State. Via Campo de Carabobo. In this place we can find: swimming pools, slides, a varied menu, ballroom, rooms and conference rooms. I found the service excellent, there was also a group of entertainers who left all their energy to make us happy, between dances, contests and lots of laughter spent the day




Puedes llegar desde las ocho de la mañana hasta las seis de la tarde. Es permitido llevar comida y bebidas, puedes llevar todo lo que quieras, también debo recomendar la parrilla ya que es espectacular, no hice fotos de esta suculenta parrilla. Por 5$ puedes entrar, los niños menores de 5 años quedan exonerados, es decir, no pagan. Por 5$ extras puedes pasar la noche con amplias habitaciones con aire acondicionado, baño incorporado y ese ambiente del Oeste que enamora.

La carretera para llegar al pueblo está en buenas condiciones, al entrar puedes ver algunas parcelas con grandes árboles frutales, algunas áreas están abandonadas, el cuidador nos informó que con la pandemia y otras situaciones del país se han deteriorado algunas zonas, pero sigue siendo una buena opción, un buen lugar de recreación para las familias del país y las que quieran venir de otro país también.

You can arrive from eight in the morning until six in the evening. You are allowed to bring food and drinks, you can bring whatever you want, I must also recommend the grill as it is spectacular, I did not take pictures of this succulent grill. For 5$ you can enter, children under 5 years old are exempt, that is, they do not pay. For an extra 5$ you can spend the night with spacious rooms with air conditioning, bathroom and that Western atmosphere that makes you fall in love

The road to get to the town is in good condition, when you enter you can see some plots with large fruit trees, some areas are abandoned, the caretaker informed us that with the pandemic and other situations in the country have deteriorated some areas, but it is still a good option, a good place for recreation for families in the country and those who want to come from another country as well



Desde hace un mes estuve abonando para poder salir en la excursión con un grupo de personas que nos divierten bastante. Llegó el gran día, desde muy temprano comenzamos a llegar, con mucha emoción fuimos a este paseo, sabemos que siempre la pasamos bien, el chofer de la unidad es tremendo chofer, muy amable y responsable. Con la alegría de los niños y la risa de los adultos pasamos un gran día, pudimos recrearnos un rato y repotenciar nuestro ser para comenzar la semana con mucho ánimo.

For a month I have been paying to go on the excursion with a group of people that we have a lot of fun. The big day arrived, we started arriving very early in the morning, with a lot of excitement we went on this trip, we know that we always have a good time, the driver of the unit is a great driver, very kind and responsible. With the joy of the children and the laughter of the adults we had a great day, we were able to recreate ourselves for a while and to re-power our being to start the week with a lot of encouragement








No importa la edad que tengas, siempre tendrás un espacio para recrearte, disfrutar y, sobre todo un lugar donde el adulto mayor es valorado con mucha atención. Organiza tu grupo para que puedas disfrutar en familia de un lugar maravilloso.

No matter how old you are, there will always be a place to recreate, enjoy and, above all, a place where the elderly are valued with great attention. Organize your group so that you can enjoy a wonderful place with your family





Todas las imágenes son de mi propiedad. Traductor utilizado DeepL. Mi firma con aplicación Canva.

All images are my property. Translator used DeepL. My signature with Canva application



Se ve buenisimo el lugar amiga @lisfabian

Vamos a ir amiga @mafalda2018. Te invito a mi Ciudad.

Oh I love this. It really does feel like that you stepped back in time!

Hello @lisfabian

This is @tengolotodo and I'm part of the Silver Bloggers’ Community Team.

Thank you for sharing your excellent post in the Silver Bloggers community! As a special "token" of appreciation for this contribution to our community, it has been upvoted, reblogged and curated.



Hi @tengolotodo. Thank you for supporting and appreciating my work. There came a time when the adrenaline kicked in and I was waiting for a big party and dancing on the tables and a cute cowboy to arrive ha,ha,ha,ha, but well, then I stepped on solid ground and continued to the pool.

A hug!

Such a nice place to recreate and bond with your love ones.

Today is when I can answer @asiaymalay I am very late with the electricity failures. Thanks for your valuable comment

Looks a wonderful place to relax with the family, enjoy life chatting being together.

It's a very divine place friend @joanstewart , we spent a good time relaxing, eating, enjoying life in a healthy way. A big hug, thanks for stopping by, commenting and supporting my work.

Being with everyone always a wonderful way to spend a day.


That looks like alot of fun and a nice experience for not very much money. Something like that in the USA costs way more. And they don't let you bring in your own food and drinks

 9 days ago  

You certainly had fun @lisfabian, it was well worth the wait, so much to do, and a real bargain if you stay over as well!
It's great that you now have these memories stored here in Hive!