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RE: Music to my Ears

in Silver Bloggers2 years ago

Yes, saw it a few times when somebody called cows. They do listen. It’s so cool to watch. Funnily I posted this week some portrait captures of highland / Scottish cows. The fluffy ones 😉🥰 soooo cuddly. Have a look when you missed them 😊

The summer days are gone, indeed… here we had lot of grey days last week. But still the temperature is high. But it will drop soon…

Great the succulents grew so much that you could decide them. Make new ones and share them around. What a nice gesture. 😎

Snakes… nope… be careful. One of the things I do not like.

Beautiful fall colours Denise 🥰😊 have a wonderful evening and a great start of the new week.
I was so busy this weekend. Hardly time to breath… hahaha
Will catch up tomorrow.
Now time to say, night night for later 👋🏻😴😴

 2 years ago  

Isn't that wild?? I think it is! But, they always come. :))

Did you post cows? I am sadly so, so very behind from going away for a few days. I am catching up. Summer is gone, so fast! Here one day, gone the next! Still warm, but, no summer.

Snakes!!! Yes! :) Yikes, right? I hope you get to hear something further this week. I figured that things might change a little bit with the takeover. Hope it is not too drastic.

Catch you tomorrow! I am tired tonight. Calling it early! Good night!

 2 years ago  

It’s pretty cool. I also know pigs are like that… and very intelligent. They can even become more pet like.
It would be cool to have some animals in the garden… think I start of with chickens and see where we end up. 😊 maybe some bunnies too. Good for compost.

Aawww I can imagine, I was so busy this weekend with so many things. I had hardly time for Hive. I try to catch up today… and I read today is another HF27. Hope this one goes better. As I see still some glitches. Replies I don’t get a notification from etc.

Yes, summer went by really fast. Now Autumn is in full swing. When we moved to this rental, I loved the front and back garden as there was so much green… guess what. The community gardeners cut every back. No green left, nothing!… just bare ground and branches/ stumps. It is a bit too much. It was not needed. But I get it. This area is empty for 80% of the houses when september arrives. Everybody goes back north and holiday makers are gone. So they don’t want to have to deal with gardening when winter comes… although we don’t get a harsh winter here, as you know. Hehehe 🤭

Yes, the US person we are talking too was on holidays last week… we only found out end of the week.
So he should be back today, and I hope he comes back to us in the next days. As we want updates on where we stand now. It is taking to long.
Let’s hope for the best 🤞🏻🤞🏻 But whatever happens, we are flexible and all fine 😉😎 the life of expats… we are used to changes. Could be interesting. As we are in waiting mode for just over 1 year now.
But company changes… (the original company was bought by a US company… they sold off the EU side and kept the extra US side (better system)… now the new company that took over the EU side. (Second sell) is shutting down most of the old(first) company. Last week they closed an entire department 😳 about 180 people affected in 3 countries.
So really complicated and we are somewhere in the middle of all of that hahaha) than of course paperwork, backlogs… all complicated things in the last year.
Truly exciting times 🤓🤩

Hope you had a good nights sleep Denise 😁
Sometimes we need to catch up sleep too.
Have a wonderful new week and enjoy your Monday @dswigle👋🏻😊
Bigg hugggs 🤗🤗

 2 years ago  

Wow! Your life sounds more complicated than mine and that is saying a lot! Mine is dependent on many factors, so you know how fast that moves, or ever.

Oh, yes. Living in a snowbird situation, where everyone flies the coop the minute it gets cold or summer is over, whichever comes first is challenging, but, nice sometimes too. :)

I wish you luck on all things and hope for the best. One of my moves was to Holland, only to be cut short 8 months later and moved to somewhere in North Carolina. Pfft. Then to Germany 11 months later. Hello. Talk about fun. :)

Hey you! Have a great day!

 2 years ago  

It surely is and always have been 😉🤓 hehehe I know exactly what you mean.
The same here… and at the moment, it’s so complicated. We will figure it out. 🤞🏻😊 I keep you updated.

That’s southern Spain for you… all disappeared now.

Thank you kindly Denise much appreciated, we need all the luck right now… to finally get some good news. As being in this waiting position for over 1 year now isn’t funny anymore.

Aaawww I sooo understand. Looks like we have so much in common. Somehow I feel a move is coming up soon, but not the one we had planned before. To many changes happening in the company. We will see… 🤓

Thank you, have a great evening and enjoy your Tuesday @dswigle!
Bigg huggg and thanks for your encouragement.