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RE: On Being a Buzzy Bee and a Bit of a Bot Both - #HPUD

in Silver Bloggers2 years ago

Die Hard? I think that movie is from the ninties. I can sure imagine the kind of "tech" they must have shown in the movie. It may have been futuristic to people then.

I am so sorry about your dog. I know your son must miss it more. Did he have a relationship with the dog?

I am having quite a tiring weekend, I must say. But it is always like that, and I will bounce off it.

I actually play in my church here. So yeah, I might as well say I am making music. But definitely not for Hive. I do intend to record something and release next week. Let's see how things go. I'll sure tag you if I publish one.


The tech :) Cassette tapes and VHS still!

Yes. He did have a close relationship with Toby. It's a big loss for him. But we must accept it as a part of life and the journey... he's incredibly smart and emotionally intelligent. My son :) He "gets it".

I just showed him your video and he reckons you have a great voice as well btw. 😊

Yeah. Tag a buddy! (that's me)

I'm glad your son "gets it." May I ask how old he is?

He liked my video? Thank you both.
My best regards to him.

I sure will tag a buddy (that's you).


He's 11 years old and smarter than most adults I know.

But I am a bit biased (but he is smarter!)

I told him and he says thanks! 😁

We'll be watching out for your new releases. Have a great start to the week 💐

Haha... smarter than most adults.😂

Kids these days be taking on the brain of Einstein. That's good for them anyway.

Have a great week, @nickydee

Well... kids are more awake because they haven't learned to lie to be "polite" yet 🙃😉

We should nurture this instead of teaching them our bad habits!

Great week to you too 💥