
Friday is winding down. I'm watching free practice one of the Formula One weekend from France. Had a burger for dinner, home made, and will sip some tea later. Raining outside and I'm on the couch kicking back with my feet up on the poof thing (ottoman couch thingy). Relaxed Friday night. I hope you have a good day, it's around lunch for you I guess.

 3 years ago  

Now that sounds like a great life and I haven't done that in years.
We normally run around at all hours, but now with the new Covid lockdown things are simmering down.
Do you guys now also have the third wave of Covid there?

Nah, it's all good here in my State. Victoria (Melbourne) had a lockdown for a the last few weeks and Sydney is ramping up with some new strain or something. All good here though. No masks, no real restrictions. I've got through the entire thing without wearing a mask in fact.

Saturday night. Home made pizza and some salad, the couch and F1 qualifying later tonight (1930h now) and then a couple of chapters of my latest book. Nothing too exciting but good for a cold winter night.

Hope y'all are well.

 3 years ago (edited) 

Yes we are all well thank you and it sounds like you guys are also that side.

This new 3rd wave is worse than the other two, as it has already doubled the infection figures and daily deaths. The secret is to stay away from other people which is so difficult, as one has to go out to buy stuff, but we try our best.
Sadly over here so many still refuse to mask up and they just don't care about others.

Almost 500 teachers and an equal amount of learners are now Covid positive, so we face a dangerous spread of the virus.

Thankfully you guys are not near any danger and please stay away from others.

Sounds like you are having a cushy Saturday night, Enjoy.

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Spread the wealth as you said.

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