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Dogs sense trust and love from humans, I agree with your Mom if a dog isn't happy with a human rather avoid the human!


 2 years ago  

The old lessons are so valuable to learn Lady Joan, with respect for the self and all others the foundation.

Hope that you guys will have a good weekend.


Animals detect a lot more than we can hide, yes rely on trusted companion they are normally right.

Overcast and rain predicted this weekend, holiday makers down so beaches possibly out of the question for now.

!WINEX have a great weekend.

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 2 years ago  

They definitely have higher sensitivity levels than humans.

Yuck! To think that I was once one of them and now that we live here, we also resent the packed and littered beaches. Life has a way to turn ones feelings upside down.

!WINEX and you guys too.

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WINEX Current Market Price : 0.250

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Holiday makers in town again we can expect packed beaches. Theft of taps, showers, copper pipes along beach front, handy work of druggies living in the bushes. No policing to talk of rapid deterioration all along the South Coast. Sjambok needed with horse mounted patrols to start instilling discipline, it is overdue.

ANC said they will dismantle Colonial rule, well they have effectively done that, what now?


What type of fruit is not allowed to get married?

Credit: reddit
@papilloncharity, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @joanstewart
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 2 years ago  

Oh yeah, the schools open again one day before my birthday over here. So no going to the malls or the popular beaches for us. Fortunately we have our isolated spots.

What now indeed. Only a quarter of the municipalities are not broke yet and service delivery is almost non existent. The places all over are falling apart.
I so wish that they will start to get things right.


What do they call a cubic zirconia in Ireland?
A sham-rock.

Credit: reddit
@joanstewart, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @papilloncharity
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I avoid Malls all the time, quiet beach only used as well.

Increases coming down the track like freight train with no driver in control, holding my breath really hope good decisions start being made, no time to pontificate, which has been 30 years in the making already.