
Hi Zac,

right, but till an hour ago it was raining. All is still wet out there, but maybe if it dries up I'll go for a short ride later.
Hope your day is going well 😃

Cheers and !BEER

 3 years ago  

Ha, by now you have either had your ride, or it's still wet my friend.
I don't see a post yet so maybe the latter took place 😥

Cheers and thanks.

Good morning Zac,

sunshine, but no ride, no post - I was just too exhausted, as I was tired yesterday evening too, so I haven't been online after my last reply. Now I'm at work and will try to quickly Hive a little bit till I start actually working ;)

I'll be working this weekend too, but next week is only a short one, followed by a long weekend without work. Maybe this will be my next break :)

Wishing you a great Wednesday, my friend 🌞

!PIZZA with !BEER or with !WINE - perfect dinner anyway :)

 3 years ago  

Hi Hannes, you sound perpetually tired lately and maybe you are working too hard my friend.
Is that lady that's supposed to help you not back yet?

Yes, a short week and a long weekend is indeed what you need now 😀

No sun for the next four days as the black storm has ever so slowly started. Wet here and raining heavily in other areas already 😎

I hope that your Wednesday will also be kind to you.

Cheers and thanks.

Hi Zac,
the days at work are long and exhausting and I can't switch thinking of work off when I leave my office. Too many things are dancing around in my head and it's really hard to stop working mentally at the moment. I do hope I can turn these thoughts off next weekend.

The day is very nice, but a little bit cold, as I think I have already said in another comment ;)

Winter is coming to South Africa - Summer is already knocking on our doors 😊

I hope your Wednesday is nice too, although the weather isn't 🌞

Cheers and !BEER

 3 years ago  

Hi Hannes,
A bad habit to take work home in your mind, as I also had that habit. I even woke up with work on my mind and so, I decided to break that cycle by reading anything that that I could get hold of.
Surely with time I stopped thinking about work all the time.

In your case the camera and the bike are great things to take your mind off work, but you don't get enough of it.
I know how tired you must feel at times.

Your days might be cold, but it will improve as you know my friend.

Our second day of rain and funny as it rains full time during the night, but early morning about just before noon it stops. The clouds soon gather again and that wind starts howling again.

I posted about the sunset in the clouds last night, but tonight it is dark and the sun went on holiday.

Maybe the sun went to Austria to give the mountain goat a warmer day tomorrow 🤣🤣🤣

Cheers and thanks.

I wake up in the middle of the night thinking of things I need to do and if it's 3 or 4 I sometimes can't fall asleep again till the alarm goes off.
Really bad, I know, but I can see a light at the end of the tunnel. Today I have showed my new co-worker some things she has to do. Yes, she's back at work, but only for two weeks and then she's going to a rehabilitation clinic for a few weeks. Till she is back again she will have forgotten everything 😂
So, the light at the end of the tunnel is still far away, it's a very long tunnel, but I can see the light 😉

It was raining for the second day today, but it's dry now and tomorrow should be fine, as well as Sunday, but I am working on Sunday.

I think I have said it before already, but I didn't have any time today, so I will have a look through the posts later.

Cheers and !BEER

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