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RE: Testing relevancy

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago

Isolation is a battle on it's own. at the beginning of a severe issue one gets swamped with calls and wishes, but most of them disappear as time goes on.
A feeling of, well I have done my part emerges and after a lengthy period, only one or two still remains committed.

I experienced this during my 2 year stint after a near death accident and we walked the road with a lady that had leukemia for 12 years until her death. Big difference.
So I have learned to fight my battles alone and to mainly disregard empty words, but I have to say that I thank those genuine souls that have stuck with us through thick and thin.

 3 years ago  

Isolation is a battle on it's own. at the beginning of a severe issue one gets swamped with calls and wishes, but most of them disappear as time goes on.

i think this is a common lead-in for depression. It is such a defining point, but it is also very personal and very few will truly understand.

So I have learned to fight my battles alone and to mainly disregard empty words, but I have to say that I thank those genuine souls that have stuck with us through thick and thin

As they say, we all die alone. the thing is, regardless of other people's activity, none of us have to live aiming to be alone. We can all act for others if we choose.

 3 years ago  

i think this is a common lead-in for depression. It is such a defining point, but it is also very personal and very few will truly understand.

Those that have been there will understand.

As they say, we all die alone. the thing is, regardless of other people's activity, none of us have to live aiming to be alone. We can all act for others if we choose.

Oh yes, even though my inner self feels separated since childhood, it was the main catalyst for me starting the charity to act for others. Agreed that is indeed a choice.