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RE: Some time out!

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago

This is soo True ☺️ a time out.
I have been close to a burnout myself, lots of stress at work, understaffed and much overtime.
That is what most of us regonize, and it is soo easy to just let the wheel spinn... And its sometimes Hard to break that bad circle ourselves. I got to a point where I forgot myself.. Didn't take the walks I love and taking picture, instead I worked so much that all I did was work and sleep and had no life. Had nothing to recharge
myself with.
But then finally I had enogh and said no to working over, and started to take a walk every Day after work no matter how tired I was.
THAT saved me and made me realize what I missed and needed ☺️

Your reasons up there is soo spot on my friend.
Thank you for sharing this and reminding us to take care of ourselves 🙏❤️

 3 years ago  

Oh yes, like hamsters inside a wheel we simply just keep on running until some of us fall over.
Work and sleep is no life and we were not created to do that, so that's why the hospitals are full with cases that could have been prevented.
Stress is a dangerous driver and the sooner we realize that, the better.

You were wise to take that walk, as it changed your priorities and your life.
Had you not taken it, you might have been much worse off today. A real life saver methinks.

My pleasure to share and I hope that someone can benefit from it.

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