Friends in need

in Silver Bloggers7 months ago

A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed


Life has been so busy that we barely get time to meet often. More ever, our workplace has taken us far apart, he lives in Kolkata ( with an all India transferable job). He comes for few days, but then scheduling a meet is often not possible because he will have too many thins to take care in his few days at home. He has invited me and my family to Kolkata, but that also has not been possible so far. So the only time we get opportunity to meet is in our PG meetups, THAT TOO, once in a year or even sometimes couple of years.


Kolkata is famous for bangles, especially this conch shell white bangles. And if you don't know, then all Hindu married ladies wear a bangle till death ( red is must, and white as add on) as part of our custom and tradition. So she wanted some authentic bangles from Kolkata and my friend did spend some nice time finding the authentic ones ( as Kolkata is also famous for duplicates) after talking to his office staffs who are residents of Kolkata. A couple of these bangles cost him 1200/- INR and on top of that, he brought a lot of red bangles as they were not very expensive ( made of glass). This was brought almost 3 months back and kept at his home and I did not have opportunity to collect them. But then suddenly this news came about his accident at his work place.


Thankfully, his family had just arrived at his workplace to visit Kolkata as he is about to be transferred. But then this sudden twist changed all the plan. A truck coming in the wrong way hit him ( he was on a 2-wheeler), with injury on his leg and hand and a big cut under his mouth resulting 6 stitches. His office staff took him to hospital from the accident spot ( it happened while he was going to office) and it took 3 hours for his wife to reach him ( a typical problem in big cities). Next day she brought him to our place and as soon as we heard the news we decided, we must meet him now.


When we reached at their home, he was in so much pain and distress, but after spending 2-3 hours with us, he was not able to control his laughter and was telling me not to make him laugh so much, as his stitches were hurting. These are the times, when we need friends physically, face to face to overcome the pain. In this busy life, everyone has priorities, but then we must not forget that we have some social life as well. A physical meet with friends can never be compared with a virtual presence ( be it a video call even), at least for our generation, I feel.

Do you feel the same ? When we knocked at his door, he had to take help of his son to walk out of his bed room, but when we left, he came on his own to leave us till the lift. That was the power of friendship in those 2-3 hours.


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this is indeed a great things to do to stand by the side at times of pain and sorrow. the little presence brings a lot of change in the victim approach and feel much better. it was a great deed and sows how a true friendship bring happiness in each other life.

i have a doubt aren't, the white conch shell "shaka" is famous in Orissa ? while the Red bangles are famous in Kolkata?. some parts of Kolkata are too risky to drive. i have some bitter experience

conch shell "shaka" is famous in Orissa ?

You get it in Puri, but then Kolkata has some better qualities. Now a days, its even difficult to get the authentic ones in Puri.

we did a hell lot of research on it was in huge demand back from our family member. finally manage to break through the da vinci 'shaka' code to get few genuine one....and few with duplicate one.

How much they charged for the authentic ones ?

People are so busy in our lives but we should manage some time when our friends are in need and you did it and its nice. Time spent with friends is always fun you shared a great example. I wish him a speedy recovery.

Thank you so much, I know that feeling, when you are lying down at home, it brings so much joy to see your friends coming and spending some time.

Why the trafic police allow wrong side drive ? This is so pthatic.

Well, Its Good to see you lowering his pains through laughs.

Its not allowed, but everything that is not allowed is practiced in India.

You are indeed a good friend for sharing a bit of your time and good vibes to your friend. I think it will help your friend to heal faster when he knows that there are people who truly care for him.

Have a good day 🙏

Hope he recovery soon. People need friends at sad and down moment for sure not just in happy moment

Especially in these bad moments, it makes a big difference.

Yes agreed. That's a big difference for bad moment
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Most times it is only when we are in serious needs that we will know our true friends actually

Exactly, those are the times when we realize.

Thank God the accident is not so serious. Good to know that he okay. Your visit must help reduce his pain.

Yeah, the bangle of Kolkata is famous. Every married women wear it till last breath.

That's the care and love we need to show to one another especially when they are in need and support.

Hello dear friend @sanjeevm good morning
I am very sorry about your friend's accident, luckily nothing serious has happened. How great that you were able to visit him, as you say, in situations like these, one needs to be close to the people he appreciates.
It's good that your wife got the Calcutta bangles.
I take this opportunity to wish you a happy start to the week.

oh i wish him a speedy recovery and no doubt, a friend in need is a friend indeed.

You are such a kind friend! Actually, I can see you are a friendly person.

A special friendship is a rare and beautiful thing

I love the fact that despite your busy schedule you squeezed out your time to visit him, truly that's friendship. Yes, it true everyone is busy but it is important that we find time to visit our love ones, they might be going through a lot and a your visit can make them feel better.

I am very glad to read that You have given him comfort and also made him laugh. That's really great. At first I was not aware why you have given this post this title but this post deserve this title. A true friend always helps each other and seek for providing comfort to other.
Accident was very severe and he is lucky that he has survived and now he is sitting between you. Very Good.

he is lucky that he has survived

True, he is lucky not to have any life threatening injuries.

Having people stand by you in difficult times make life worth living and show the reason we are human and not robot or any AI machine. The choice and sacrifice to stand by friends in difficult times make all the difference..

Times like these test friendships. A real friend will be there when you need them, while people we think may be our friends, you don't hear from.
You may be correct when you say that meeting in person may be how our generation does things. Younger generations think that everything they do and everyone they see can be done over a computer or on one's phone. The power of seeing someone in person was on full display as your friend's attitude was totally changed after you spent some quality time with him.

I hope your buddy has a full and speedy recovery!

meeting in person may be how our generation does things

ya, we can never be happy with these virtual things.

I hope your friend gets better. You're so kind to him.

Good friendship and relationship helps to heal wound and pain of the heart as you have the opportunity to forget what is happening to you at that present moment and just see the good side of life that why money is not always the real thing. Imaging sending money and not visiting the impact your visit plays on his mental health money will not be able to do that. I wish him quick recovery.

Sadly, your friend had met an accident @sanjeevm, and hope he is better now. You're a true friend indeed as you managed to meet him when he needed the friends support most.

Whenever a friend very dear to us is in health problems, we must support him. Good for you for visiting it, true friendship endures so much and this is the proof of it.

!discovery 30

No person is safe and we can suffer an unexpected accident, hence the importance of having friends and you willing to collaborate so that you have a speedy recovery.

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Te entiendo, ya que la India es super grande y todo es distante , pero pasar un momento de calidad con los amigos y familia eso no tiene precio, saludos y mis mejores deseos para el amigo que mejore pronto.

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Was there no traffic police present at the time of the accident who did not stop the truck driver from driving on the wrong side? This truck driver should be fined as well as punished. I pray that your friend gets well soon . Stay save. God bless him.

wish him get well soon from your hive family.

Nowadays everyone's lives are very busy and no one has time to meet each other at all and as we have seen you have done it very well by taking time out for your friend. They have gone and it has made them feel better and they will recover quickly because friendship is the most precious gift of this world. If a friend is loyal and kind, then whenever a person is in trouble in life. So this time can be spent very well together.