Half Century

in Silver Bloggers11 months ago

And I am privileged to have them with me


It was a special day, the 50th birthday and what would have been the best way to celebrate it other than taking blessings from who brought me to this world. And more importantly, I must say, I am privileged to have them by the blessings from God - fit and fine. Mom is quite the inspiration - even today I wonder, from where she gets so much energy. She prepared some of my favorite food which reminded me my childhood. That time we were not going anywhere, it was all a family affair and she would do her best to have some nice food at home, that will be offered to God first and then served.




We never celebrate our birthday in any grand way. Rather it has always been a close family affair with taking blessings from God and having some good food prepared at home. For me, they are my living God - their blessings definitely has shaped my life well - not in terms of assets or money. I don't have lot of money or bought any asset, but I have them and a lovely family with two lovely kids, who are quite the inspiration to live for. The mental peace that comes from caring for them is invaluable. Do you think, we will stay this long with our kids ? May be or may be not, but what's more important is that our exit from this world should be a happy exit. The entry does not matter , but the ending does. If we can give them a happy ending, then their blessings will help us to have ours. Often people ignore their parents and I must tell you that their blessings definitely helps you to have a peaceful life, so if you have not still realized, then you should wake up. In today's busy life, don't forget that they are your origin, and have some dedicated time for them.



They need a little but that little too much - your presence, your involvement to make them feel that you care for them. Look at him, I am certain you can feel his happiness when I am there. We had a family function very recently (will post about it), and the house was full of guests with all of us present. But then after everyone left, they were feeling lonely, and waiting for me. Mom worked so hard that she did not realize where she hurt her ankle. So I took her to the doctor and have everything checked, and apparently its all good. Six months back she developed some kidney issues and constant check up and medicine has helped her to come out of that - and of course all the mental support. The doctor has given her a ankle binder along with some vitamins that will fix her ankle problem.


Before I wrap up this I must tell you an interesting fact. She knew palmistry so well that, she could predict very accurately about anyone's life. But then she never saw our hand and left palmistry in the fear that, if some day she sees our hand (out of curiosity) and finds something bad then she cannot live with that. Instead she quit palmistry and since then prays God for our well beings. And she is well educated from her time and had two three govt jobs offered, but she did not go for them, instead she spent all the time on us - teaching us and taking care of us. That's a Mother - we will never be able to compensate for what she has done, but certainly we must do our best to live to our conscience.



copyrights @sanjeevm - content created uniquely with passion for #HIVE platform — NOT posted anywhere else! #HIVE is my only social diary - my blog is my life.

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Wishing you a very happy 50th Birthday @sanjeevm and rightly said that you are blessed. You celebrated your 50th birthday with your parents is such a great gift for you. I must appreciate that you spread a nice culture and family values through your posts and I like it. Stay blessed and have great time on your special day

Thank you so much, hopefully, our kids at least learn from these. The culture and family values are slowly destroyed amongst young generation in the name of modernization, but when they face problems, then they realize. I still feel, joint family is a much easier life.

congratulations sir ji, you are around 21 years older than me. I admire you a lot I hope I will be here till your age.

!giphy congratulation.



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I will be here till your age.

Well, with the medical advancement, you should live more than us.


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Happy belated birthday!

It is a true blessing that you have your parents alive.
The best way to celebrate a birthday for me has always been with family and good food.

I can understand your mother quitting palmistry and not wanting to see your future, I would have done the same.


It is really an amazing moment to celebrate such birthday with your parents. Happy birthday @sanjeevm

It sounds like you had a wonderful birthday celebration with your family. Your parents are clearly very special to you, and it's heartwarming to hear how much you care for them.

I agree that it's important to make time for our parents, especially as they get older. They have given us so much, and it's the least we can do to repay them in some way. Even if it's just a simple gesture, like spending an afternoon with them or cooking them a meal, it will mean the world to them.

Even if it's just a simple gesture, like spending an afternoon with them or cooking them a meal, it will mean the world to them.

Exactly, they feel it and live with that memory for many days, until we go back again.

Parents are the most beautiful gift of Allah Almighty. I love my parents and I really appreciate that you have celebrated your parents birthday. Sweet dish looks yummy.
May your parents live long and always stand by you.

congrats buddy on still having your parents with you. Rain of blessings to all of you

Thank you so much.

Appreciate your parents. No one will ever love you as much as they do. Mom is such a person who will replace everyone. But no one will replace her.

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Hello dear friend @sanjeevm good day
happy birthday, and what a beautiful way to celebrate it in the company of your parents, you are blessed to have them.
Beautiful post, invites a reflection
enjoy the weekend

you are blessed to have them.

100 %.

Very nice my friend. Happy 50th birthday. Mine is around the corner too. Mine is in august. I turn 50. I have lost both my parents. I was 26 years old when I lost my mom, and my dad passed in 2018. May they both RIP. I am not worried as they are in Heaven with Yahuah and Yahshua. They are in a much better place then we. Happy Birthday my friend.

Happy birthday in advance my friend. These moments will be memorable - for us as well as our future generation.

Congratulations on your half-century of life! Sounds to me like you had a very special day.

Happy 50th birthday. Those people are very lucky who have their parents with them it is really fun to live without them life is not very good because within 2018 my mother also passed away from this world so till today i missed her alot. People who have these people should give it a lot of service because they are the people who live their lives in a simple way and buy all the happiness for their children.

what a great life story of your parents, especially that your mother has that Gift of, let's say, seeing the future in the palms of your hand. Congratulations to them and may they all spend many more years together as a great family

Happy birthday my friend! You look younger than that btw, keep up the great shape :)

@tipu curate

planning to go back to football :) Thank you so much.

No surprise for me, I know how much you love football :) Hopefully, you will be able to return on the pitch soon and stronger than before :)

Happy Birthday Sanjeev and here is to the next 50!

Great to see your parents spoiling you like a wee child again😁

Thank you.

Congratulations and happy 50th birthday. I'm 30, but I have neither of my parent. So it's truly a blessing to have your parents and to share with them such amazing period in your life. 50 is a huge achievement and from your previous posts, it shows you have a solid relationship with your parents and a beautiful one Indeed. It's great to watch them age well, despite the niggling health issues. Many more years to you as well as them too.

Thank you so much, they are our blessings.

Definitely, they are.

That's a Mother

Yes. We mothers will do almost anything for those we love.

Happy Birthday!

We mothers will do almost anything for those we love.

Ya and nothing can compensate that.

Being loved back is compensation enough. The best compensation there is!

Wish you happy birthday @sanjeevm bhai
Party kab hai..

Party this week, she has her coming up :)

Wow! Then it will be a lot of fun.🔥🔥 🕺🕺

I think I will really need to research how this ankle binder works

Oh man, that food looks so tasty, I’m drooling 🤤
This share is so sweet. The love you have for your parents shines through your words.
Just as you are lucky to have these blessed parents, it’s clear that they too are blessed with having a caring conscientious son!
Glad to hear your moms kidneys and ankle is on the mend.
Thank you for this genuine share full of love and insight!

First of all a very happy birthday to you my friend. I pray to God that you fulfill all your desires. And may you always have good health. And indeed, I felt very satisfied when I saw your photo with your parents today. Because no matter how much we grow up, we are still small to our parents. And they always love us like a child.

Congratulations dear..and very inspirational 🙏👏🙏

Thank you dear.


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😉🌈👨‍👨‍👧‍👦💜 yes! Thank God for family, for parents, for life!

and that's a sexy ankle brace. but what's the guy creepily smiling in a suit got to do with anything? :P

Mom had an issue in her ankle, so the doc advised.

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