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RE: Monday walk

in Silver Bloggers2 years ago

Oh soya I am allergic to that, so none for me Eylz, however I will take the avocado for my toast yes please! Are you making?
As for the pineapple, they will peel it for you? That is pretty cool and I would have a bit of this!
I hope the 'walk' helped!


hahaha that soya drink is soooo good. sad to hear that you are allergic to that. yep I made avocado toast and poached egg this morning :)

yep they will peel it for you if you want.. so that is really cool... and yep the walk helped :) will do it again today :)

Oh you are doing it again today, that is awesome, and a post for Wednesday walk too!

yep.. planning to have a wednesday walk post :) but.i wasn't able to go out.. aside from my niece went to her school.. its raining this afternoon

Ah well hopefully you get out tomorrow rain free Eylz:)