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RE: Appreciating More Than The Veggies!

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago (edited)

They're very few things in my life that I do that makes me feel so connected to a power that is hard to explain.

You mean God? You can feel that when you are in the nature. At least it is a very peaceful, calming and relaxing experience.
Not necessarily in a garden, but in the nature in general. For example on a field, in a forest, on a mountain, in a park. Anywhere in the nature.


Thanks for the reply @xplosive. That feeling of peacefulness does occur when one is out and about in Mother Nature's garden, whether it be our garden or any place nature has displayed her beauty.
I'm not sure why your comment was muted, but I do appreciate it.
Have a blessed day.

I'm not sure why your comment was muted, but I do appreciate it.

My comment was muted? Which one? The above? I did not even know it. This is something new. Maybe this is the reason behind the lack of interaction under my posts. Because some of my comments are muted, so people do not even see them.

Thank you for the good wish. I also wish you a blessed day.

This reply was muted as well, Do you have any idea what is going on?

No, I currently do not know anything about this.
I made a question in a post, maybe I will get an answer from someone:

Why my comments are muted in the Silver Bloggers community?.

By the way, the post is also muted.

This is either a misunderstanding, or censorship.

I believe it has been a mistake, please keep me informed if you happen to find out what is going on!