cockatoo painting/ Pintura de una CacatĂșa 🩜

in Feathered Friends ‱ 2 years ago



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Hello! It's been a while since my first and only post, I'll try to post more often, these last few days I've been very sick, despite how careful I've been throughout the quarantine, I finally got sick with COVID, I'm still not completely fine, but with enough encouragement to paint this beautiful feathered friend. It should be noted that it was a quick painting and therefore it is not very detailed, I cannot sit for a long time without feeling very tired and having to lie down again.
Hola! a pasado un tiempo desde mi primer y unico post, voy a intentar postear mĂĄs a menudo, estos Ășltimos dĂ­as estuve muy enferma, a pesar de lo cuidadosa que he sido a lo largo de la cuarentena, finalmente me enfermĂ© de COVID, aĂșn no estoy completamente bien, pero con suficientes ĂĄnimos para pintar este hermoso amigo emplumado. Cabe acotar que fue una pintura rĂĄpida y por ende es poco detallada, no puedo estar mucho tiempo sentada sin que me sienta muy cansada y deba acostarme de nuevo.
Leaving the bad stuff aside... Cockatoos have always seemed super intelligent and extroverted to me, more than once I've seen a lot of videos of them dancing out of control. I hope one day to be able to interact with one in real life.
Dejando de la do lo malo... Las cacatĂșas siempre me han parecido super inteligentes y extrovertidas, mĂĄs de una vez he visto gran cantidad de videos de ellas bailando fuera de control. Espero algun dĂ­a poder interactural con una en la vida real.


First I made a sketch of the cockatoo and used a special blue tape to fix it to the table.
Primero hice un bosquejo de la cacatĂșa y usĂ© una cinta azul especial para fijarla a la mesa.


I started painting the background with watercolors, to achieve this tone I mixed dark brown and a saturated light blue.
Comencé a pintar el fondo con acuarelas, para lograr este tono mezclé marrón oscuro y un azul claro saturado.


When the background dried, I started painting the feathers yellow, starting with the lighter areas and then the darker ones.
Cuando se secó el fondo, comencé a pintar las plumas amarillas, empezando por las åreas mas claras y luego las mås oscuras.


I added a tone similar to that of the background, in some areas of the plumage in order to give it depth, I did the same mix of colors for the background, but I added a bit of black, to make it less saturated and in some areas I added a color tone. melon, mixing red and white.
AgregĂșe un tono parecido al del fondo, en algunas ĂĄreas del plumaje a fin de darle profundidad, hice la misma mezcla de colores para el fondo, pero le agregĂșe un poco de negro, para que fuera menos saturado y en algunas areas agreguĂ© un tono colo melĂłn, mezclando rojo y blanco.
By the way, I have read that some artists consider that using white with watercolors is not appropriate, that by diluting the pigment in enough water you achieve the same finish, I tried it on a separate cardboard and it still does not work out well, I guess with practice One day I will succeed.
Por cierto, he leido que algunas artistas consideran que usar el blanco con acuarelas no es apropiado, que diluyendo el pigmento en suficiente agua logras el mismo acabado, lo intentĂ© en una cartulina a parte y aĂșn no me sale bien, supongo que con la prĂĄctica algĂșn dia lo lograrĂ©.


I waited for the layer to dry and applied another one with slightly darker tones.
Esperé a que la capa se secara y apliqué otra con tonos levemente mås oscuros.


Finally, I wanted to try using crayons and white marker on top of the paint to give it a little more depth and texture, I think that if I had used a larger cardboard the effect would have been much better.
Finalmente, quize probar usar creyones y marcador blanco encima de la pintura para darle algo mĂĄs de profundidad y de textura, creo que si hubiese utilizado una cartulina mĂĄs grande el efecto hubiese quedado mucho mejor.

By the way, the blue tape that I mentioned earlier, I bought it a while ago, but I had not used it, supposedly in the instructions it said that it does not mistreat the paper, but my Canson cardboard was damaged on one of the edges, so I had to edit borders in photoshop
Por cierto, la cinta azul que mencioné anteriormente, la compré hace un tiempo atrås, pero no la había utilizado, supuestamente en las instrucciones decía que no maltrataba el papel, pero mi cartulina Canson por uno de los bordes se dañó, así que tuve que editar los bordes con photoshop.

It is not a perfect drawing, nor is it photorealistic, but being able to paint again fills me with great joy and the desire to continue trying.
No es un dibujo perfecto, ni fotorealista, pero ser capaz de pintar de nuevo me llena de mucha alegría y ganas de seguir haciéndolo.

Did you like the painting? what do you advise to a beginner of watercolors? If you have any suggestion of a bird to paint, it is more than welcome.
Les gustĂł la pintura? quĂ© aconsejan a una principiante de acuarelas? si tienen alguna sugerencia de algĂșn pĂĄjaro para pintar es mĂĄs que recibida.


despite the fact that there are already vaccines against COVID, please continue to take care of yourselves, not all immune systems are the same, a big hug and see you next time
A pesar de que ya existan vacunas contra el COVID, por favor, sigan cuidandose, no todos los sistemas inmunes son iguales, un gran abrazo y nos vemos la prĂłxima vez.

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I am impressed by your drawing. It is great to have you among us and to see more of your drawings. I wish I could draw but I am hopeless 😄