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RE: Feathered Friends Comment Contest- Round 17

Well only when one spreads their wings to fly out and adventure through the world to discover and find their own tribe, will they then be able to appreciate what they left behind. Not love it, just appreciate it for what it is.

This is my real life story. I was an outsider bought into a place like this as a baby. I never belonged there and always knew it. Even my adopted parents knew it, so they were not suprised when I left at 16 to find my tribe and I have spent 35yes traveling everwhere searching for that tribe and have always found them, but the tribes change with age, as I have changed with age and as much as I still hate the small country town that I grew up in and will never move back there again as I'm still strange to them- simply because I have a colourful, drama free personality- the complete opposite to them.

So I can't stand the place but I can appreciate it for the fantastic childhood that mum and dad strived so hard to give us. I couldn't then, but I can now.

So I hope that your birdy will too one day...Get out, spread his wings, fly, adventure, discover, learn and grow and come to appreciate all of the places that he travels to, especially the one that he came from.


Gracias por tu comentario, saludos!