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RE: Feathered Friends - Two young Kestrels outside of Gothenburg, Sweden summer of 2011

in Feathered Friends2 years ago

Thank you! =) !LUV

Yes, they are pretty majestic, and I really like the striped pattern on their feathers. They probably got somewhat used to me I guess, as they were jumping around all over the different pallets that were under their nest when they left it. I did however not try and pet them or pick them up. That beak of theirs looked all too mighty sharp for me to mess with. And using gloves did not really have the same appeal. =) But I was able to get right next to them without them running away.

I will try and write a more thorough post about my encounter with them a bit later. Have some more pictures of them as well to share. =)

Thank you so much for organising the competition and your nice welcome =)


From my humble experience, kestrels do come along with humans quite easy. The ones who live near us, actually live between the balconies on the top floor of a block of flats. It must really awesome to have them as a company while working.
It would be great to see more of your feathered friends.
Have a great weekend!