Looking for my Feathered Friends in the lapacho branches (Es-Eng)

in Feathered Friends9 months ago
Que alegría poder estar nuevamente con mis amigos de esta hermosa ¨Feathered FriendsCommunity¨:  para enseñarles unas bonitas fotografías que hemos tomado en un hermoso parque de la ciudad. Aquellos que siguen mis publicaciones saben que no sabemos hacer tomas fotográficas de aves, esta es una de esas categorías de tomas que nos cuesta tomarle la mano, es la razón de no participar en este genial ¨ShowMeAPhotoContest¨:  una hermosa iniciativa dirigida por nuestra amiga @nelinoeva. Este desafío por lo general tiene una consigna semanal, esta semana es ¨tema¨¨libre¨, es decir, puedes participar con cualquier tipo de fotografía, siempre y cuando en ella haya la presencia de un ave

Source: Family Álbum

What a joy to be able to be again with my friends from this beautiful ¨Feathered FriendsCommunity¨:  to show you some beautiful photographs that we have taken in a beautiful park in the city. Those who follow my posts know that we don't know how to take photographic shots of birds, this is one of those categories of shots that we have a hard time holding hands with, it is the reason for not participating in this great ¨ShowMeAPhotoContest¨:  a beautiful initiative directed by our friend @nelinoeva. This challenge generally has a weekly slogan, this week is "free theme", that is, you can participate with any type of photograph, as long as there is a bird in it

En el ¨post¨:  de ayer que publique en la comunidad #ShadowHunters les comente que una vez que concluí los ¨estudios¨¨médicos¨ visite el parque ¨Camba¨cua¨; un enorme predio que se encuentra en pleno corazón de la ¨ciudad¨ de ¨Corrientes¨, allí nos sentamos en unos de sus bancos para desayunar, mientras lo hacía, escuchaba a lo lejos hermosos trinares de aves, uno de los cantos pertenecía a un ave muy conocida como ¨Cardenal¨: 

Source: Family Álbum

In the ¨post¨: from yesterday that I published in the #ShadowHunters community, I told you that once I finished the ¨medical studies¨ I visited the ¨Camba¨cua¨ park; a huge property that is located in the heart of the ¨city¨ of ¨Corrientes¨, there we sat on one of its benches to have breakfast, while I was doing it, I heard in the distance beautiful trills of birds, one of the songs belonged to a bird well known as ¨Cardinal¨: 

como les mencione anteriormente, este es un predio enorme que en su interior alberga muchas especies de árboles, entre ellos se puede ver los coloridos ¨lapacho¨:  Este es un árbol de esta zona del mundo, y hace muchos años fueron sembrados en los bulevares para ornamentar la ciudad, debo admitir que fue algo genial, ya que cada año al acercase la primavera las calles se pone hermosa gracias a sus coloridas flores

Source: Family Álbum

As I mentioned before, this is a huge property that houses many species of trees, among them you can see the colorful ¨lapacho¨:  This is a tree from this part of the world, and many years ago they were planted on the boulevards to decorate the city, I must admit which was something great, since every year as spring approaches the streets become beautiful thanks to their colorful flowers

En la distancia pude ver a un ciclista sentado inmóvil en unos de los bancos que esta muy cerca de uno de estos coloridos árboles, eso me hizo pensar que el ave que cantaba podría estar cerca de esta persona. Ver esta situación me motivo levantarme del banco donde estaba desayunando para acercarme y ver si podría descubrir al ave cantor

Source: Family Álbum

In the distance I could see a cyclist sitting motionless on one of the benches that is very close to one of these colorful trees, that made me think that the bird that was singing could be close to this person. Seeing this situation motivated me to get up from the bench where I was having breakfast to get closer and see if I could spot the songbird

Me acerque sigilosamente con nuestra cámara ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ preparado para disparar, miraba entre las ramas del árbol, pero para ser honesto no lo podía ver, fue entonces, y gracias a la persona que estaba sentada, quien me dijo que estaba equivocado, ya que el ¨cardenal¨ no estaba posado sobre las ramas, sino en compañía de su pareja bajo el árbol, entre las flores que habían caído al suelo, aunque no estuvo allí por mucho tiempo, fue suficiente para hacer unas tomas hermosas

Source: Family Álbum

I sneaked up with our ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ camera ready to shoot, I was looking between the branches of the tree, but to be honest I couldn't see it, it was then, and thanks to the person who was sitting , who told me that I was wrong, since the "cardinal" was not perched on the branches, but in the company of his partner under the tree, among the flowers that had fallen to the ground, although he was not there for long, it was enough to make some beautiful shots


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


#Posh compartido en mis redes sociales

Aww, what a beauty this colourful bird is! 🙂
Amazingly beautiful the whole scenery with the flowers on the ground. Fantastic post!

It is true, it is a very colorful and beautiful bird.
Thank you very much dear friend @nelinoeva for the support you always give me

I thought it was hard to see a bird in these pink flowers, but I was wrong :)

@jlufer! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ peter-stone. (5/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

Hello dear friend @peter-stone good day
It has not been easy to find the bird, since they had to tell me where it was, once seen, I was able to take the shots
I appreciate this pleasant visit
have a great day

And you, my friend, I wish you a great day :)

Wow! Those flowers on the ground looks so romantic! And you guys got it for free!
What a lovely park

it is true what you say dear friend, we got those flowers for free, and to be honest, there is a great romance in it
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit
have a wonderful day


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@lhes(1/5) tipped @jlufer

What cute birds!

I had a nice experience with watching birds in lapacho branches too, in March 2023 in Bangkok :)


yes dear friend @ x-lluvia this bird is very beautiful, in addition, it has a beautiful trill
I went through your post, you have some really beautiful shots, the little bird looks great
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit
Have a great day

@sagarkothari88 reward 100 points

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Thank you very much dear friend, you are very kind

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Thank you very much dear friend, I appreciate it very much.
have a beautiful afternoon