
Good afternoon Hannes,

Yeah, I see the constant pain as a thorn in the flesh and a constant reminder about who we trust and rely on. His grace is enough for us!

When I get a cold I almost die Hannes.
Serious and a few times I ended up in hospital.
About 5 years ago the doctor suggested the vaccine and since then I have neverr had a cold again. It's a fallacy when they say that a cold cleans the body out, as the cold is simply a virus.

But you are right, as they do make a lot of money from the vaccines and they keep the money pot boiling by saying every year that it's a different strain of the flu virus.

There's a famous herb healing lady living down here and we want to go and see her to find some natural healings for our ailments.

Cheers and thanks!

Good evening Zac ☺️

I think I belong to the lucky people who just can't get Ill, but maybe all diseases will come together one day 😉

I am not getting the flu vaccine, but not because I don't trust it, I just haven't needed it yet ... and I don't like needles 😁

These ladies were called witches not so long ago, but I would trust them more than a fancy doctor in a ailor-made suit. Good luck with her ☺️

Cheers and !BEER

Good evening Hannes,

Let's hope that it never happens in your life my friend.

Hahaha, fortunaly I am used to needles, as at one stage I even injected myself with the Vitamin B12, in order to save on the doctor visits lol.
I was a young apprentice construction carpenter that never had money, as I had a wife and children to support.

The lady that we are going to see has a regular radio program and her advice to people on the program makes so much sense to us. Nature is a healer.
Thank you for the good luck wishes.

Cheers and thanks!

Good morning Zac,

after a long working day yesterday I didn't feel like doing anything on the computer at home, and the next days (apart from the weekend) will be the same I believe. So apologize in advance for my absence 😏

This Lady seems to be popular and I hope she's not too expensive because of that popularity, but she certainly knows a lot about the healing power of nature.

Wish you a great day, my friend 😊

Cheers and !BEER

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