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Thank you my friend!

Weather didn't play the game Hannes and they were in high trees, but I will know the Malachite's call anywhere.
Thankfully they are all South African birds and we have their Latin names in our books, so no need for Google hahaha.

Cheers and thanks!

As said, I don't even remember many of our own birds, but yours are more beautiful anyway.

Cheers and !BEER

Β 4 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

We are blessed with the birdlife here my friend.
At the moment here in our garden the Cape Sparrows and the Weavers have babies that they are feeding bread that the Egyptian geese have left and all of our other small birds keep a low profile lol.
Waiting for the Dragonfly season to start as there will be much fun with them again.

And if I don't see to you here again tonight, then I will say a good night to you here, as I will still continue for a while.

Cheers and thanks!

Yeah, that's true and I'm longing to move back to the countryside where we have much more wildlife than near the town.

I'm looking forward to the dragonfly photos 😊

Cheers and !BEER

A few more years my friend and it will be all around you.

I saw that both you and I are helping our friend big time and I have also nominated his community for support adoption by OCD. Maybe you can also nominate his community if you have not done that already?

Amazing how the timing in nature works as all of the spring baby birds need feeding now and there are no dragonflies around. Once the babies are big enough they all go away and then the dragonflies start to appear.

Cheers and thanks!

I know, but you know that I don't have any patience πŸ˜‰

I'll have a look at OCD later.

Yes, nature is always fascinating. I haven't thought about such timing things yet, but it sounds interesting - the dragonflies come when there's not so much danger anymore, that's cool πŸ˜€

Cheers and !BEER

Well beware as you are on our prayer list and just maybe buckets of patience will be granted to you lol.
You just have to convince your soul to "be still"

yes, excellent timing for the short period that the dragonflies become alive to mate and to lay new eggs. Then they all die off and we have to wait for the new ones to emerge in the next year. Did you know that they spend most of their lives for up to 7 years under the water as nymphs?
So, it will not be from the new eggs that they lay during this year, but from a batch that was laid years ago that the new dragonflies will come this year!

Cheers and thanks!

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