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RE: Metallic color changes and other beauties!

in Feathered Friends4 years ago (edited)

Good morning Zac,

now, you have tried so many times to get me away from this lovely nurse I am dreaming of all the time, and you finally got it - it's the food 😉 There are only I few things which I wouldn't eat, and Mother Nature certainly knows which they are.
So, I will never ever talk about this beautiful and nice nurse again, I don't promise 🤣

A restart or with such devices a reset is always a good idea.

Cheers and !BEER


Good morning Hannes,

So food is your weak spot and very dangerous to reveal your weak spots to me, as it will end in in endless haranguing hahahah
Glad that the issue has pushed the nurse issue on the back burner and that you are now restored to the your normal Austrian mountain goat status again lol. Very wise not to tempt mother nature.

Yeah that restart released a document from the supplier that we are supposed to complete and accept at the original installation and that we never did. That's why our feed was so troublesome, as they treated us as visitors and not as members. All good now and I hope that it stays that way lol.

Cheers and thanks!

Good day Zac 😄

No, I wouldn't say food is my weak spot, but there are a few things I wouldn't want to eat, and if this person I don't talk about anymore would feed me just this food it would be terrible for me 😝

Aha, you never agreed to their terms and conditions or so. That's strange that they didn't ask you again.

Cheers and !BEER

Good Day Hannes,

So, now we speak about the person that you no longer want to speak of?
I wonder who that could possibly be, but I think that maybe its a young person with a very shapely body that wears a short white uniform. Or maybe I am wrong here, as it could be anybody lol.

The thing is that their terms and conditions kept on popping up, but we deleted it every time thinking that we already had the modem and fearing that it might be scammers lol.
So now we know that they have interrupted our feed and that they are not scammers hahaha.

Cheers and thanks!

No, let's not speak about that person who would feed me with disgusting food 😉

It's like the terms you have to accept when you install a software - nobody reads it 😉

Cheers and !BEER

Okay, I think that we can close that conversation lol.
It's the fine print that's the pain and if the sellers want to drop in extra charges or any other surprises, they simply drop it into the fine print. Insurances are also very fond of fine print lol.


Cheers and !BEER

👍 😄 👌

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