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RE: A Spring Sunday walk on a farm!

Hi Zac,

yes, enough time and I hope the Autumn will be nice 😉

There's only one problem: all around are apartment houses and no neighbor with a pool. The only fence belongs to the gas station across the street and this fence is too high to climb over 😂

So, "Relaxation at the pool" will not be a word I'll use 😁

Cheers and !BEER


Oh my goodness Hannes!

No pool means that we will have to go to Plan "B".
"B" of course means Bath, which is good indeed as there are no fences to climb.
So you get one of those little pink umbrella's, you get a long glass of water, with a lemon slice on the rim and a long straw, you put your Speedo on and you fill the bath with water.☂️
Then you go and lay in the water, keep the pink umbrella above your head by pinning the handle behind your back and with the glass in your one hand you take a selfie with your other hand. Oh and remember to also put sunglasses on 😎

Only one danger here. Make sure that you don't fill the bath with only hot water, as if you go and sit you might scald some sensitive equipment.🤣

A great plan for a selfie methinks as it will look like a real holiday shot!

Cheers and thanks!

I would love to say now that we only have a shower and no bath, but I can't lie - your idea is too good 🤣
But now we have one more problem because I never post selfies where I'm recognizable 🙈

Your idea, which is great by the way, gave me another idea though, and although I might not use it in the way you have described it, because we don't have such umbrellas neither 😂 Actually, I think I'll do it almost completely different, but you showed me a good path my friend ... 😁

Cheers and !BEER

Now look my friend, none of my plans are cast in stone, as I always leave them open ended to allow for the inventiveness of my friends.
So, you found a few catastrophes in my plan, such as people recognizing you, but that one is easy to solve. You will have sunglasses on and you can borrow some of your wife's lipstick and make up to look like a woman 🤣

Just make sure that you take the selfie above your shoulders else they will see that you have a flat chest with no "bongos"

Great that I have cultivated some other ideas in your head and they don't call me a path finder for nothing 😜

Cheers and thanks!

Lipstick? You wouldn't see it behind my beard 😂
I have something much better and it includes also (sun) glasses but I don't say more because I don't know if or when I will make it.

But it's all based on your idea 😉

Cheers and !BEER

Oh!!! I shall most certainly wait in suspense and anticipation my friend.
I am sure that whatever your idea is, it's going to be a humdinger 😃

I have no problem and you are welcome to claim the idea my friend!

Cheers and thanks!

If I manage to do it as it is in my head you won't recognize your idea I believe, but it all started with your bath 😉

... and I still owe pixelfan a special selfie.

I know you can wait patiently my friend ☺️

Cheers and !BEER

Now you are making me even more inquisitive, but I won't ask you about it, as it will spoil the fun. So, do your thing in your time and know that I support your effort all of the way.

Good that you owe pixelfan, as it will motivate you to do it.

Cheers and thanks!

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