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RE: A short road trip over the mountain.

Nice trip Zac, and nice birds. The peacockfowl is beautiful, but I like the crow photo most 😃

I don't stop the car for beetles, but I try not to step on them nor on ants, and if I accidentally step on one I apologize at once, although the insect might not be able to hear me anymore 🤣

!BEER and !WINE and !PIZZA - perfect 😃


Good evening Hannes,

That crow photo also impressed me out of the three shots that I took of him.

So now you go around apologizing to dead ants. Shhh! Somebody might read this and think that we are mental cases 🤣

I have to walk around on eggs here at home at night, as we have many snails here and it makes a crunching sound when I accidentally step on one. Marian wants to kill me if she hears that sound, but even worse, then I have to sleep alone that night 🤣
Just because of a snail that didn't watch where he was going.
You know what I will say here 😉

Cheers and thanks.

Good evening Zac,

oh yes, if I notice it then I always apologize, even if it's too late.

Yep, such is life, my friend, but you must know that the snails wanted to avoid you, but were too slow 🤣

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Hi Hannes,

We both have peace in the fact that we didn't mean it methinks.

But the thing that worries me is that there is a thing called Karma and one day something big can tramp on us, unintentionally of course 🤣

Cheers and thanks.

Hi Zac,
of course Karma could come and we will be the ants. I hope that it at least apologizes then 🤣

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

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Hahaha and so right, a great reply my friend, but you and I will also not hear that apology 🤣

Cheers and thanks.

🤣 true 👍

Cheers and !BEER with some !PIZZA to eat

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