
The good thing is that the owner has budgeted for the problems and now we have 4 teams of contractors to take care of everything. So I can sit back and continue to get older 🤣 !LOLZ

Another two or three weeks and all will be good again.

Cheers and thanks.

Now, that sounds great, my friend, but I don't think that you lean back and let them work without having an eye on their work all the time 😉 !LOLZ


Hahaha, you know me well my friend. The guys respect my experience and I in turn respect theirs, so we work closely together.
For instance the one contractor re-laid the shower floor and he covered the walls with a special chemical glue that will hold the waterproofing sheets of fiber cloth.

Now everything has to dry first before the waterproofing can be done. So with the rain here, the drying process is retarded, as he wanted to the waterproofing today, but we both suspended it until Monday, as the cement on the new floor and and the glue on the walls are not dry yet.
Here's an idea of what it looks like now.

So I am not a slave driver, but yes things have to be done right else my wife will be very unhappy with me 😊 !LOLZ

Cheers and thanks.

That's a cool looking shower - who is the designer? 😂 !LOLZ
Seriously, I bet on Monday this shower will look great and you're one step further to a repaired house.

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

Monsieur Da Vinci 🤣 !LOLZ

Monday will be the 3rd step, to place the waterproofing sheets on the floors and the walls.
Then a wait again for it to dry until Wednesday, or Thursday depending on the weather and then the final step of the new tiling to finish it off. I estimate that we will be able to use the shower after this new week and Maybe on the Tuesday after.

So in the meantime we continue to wash with a bucket of water every day 😛

Cheers and Thanks.

Oh, it takes longer than I had thought, but as long as the result is okay, washing with a bucket is also fine. This reminds me on the renovation of our bathroom - we have had the same situation as you're having it. We couldn't use the bathroom for over a week. Luckily our toilet is in a separate room 😅 !LOLZ


So both of us know about the renovations and yes, we completed the waterproofing part today. Not it has to dry and the guys will be back on Wednesday to do the new tiling. Then on Thursday they will do the grouting of the tiles and then the wait again for everything to dry properly. So on Monday next week we can shower again.

Lucky you as our toilet is in the same room and if we need a toilet, we have to drive out to a shopping center to use their public toilets. A thing that I really hate to do.

Yep, we will be washing tip and tail with that bucket for a long time yet 😛

Cheers and thanks.

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Cheers and !BEER

Hey @papilloncharity, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

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