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RE: #SMaP -Show Me a Photo Contest - Round 46

A Magpie on your bed! Is that the one that you've been feeding since it was a youngster? He has made himself right at home. I love it! My neighbors chickens would come in if I let them, and there are friendly squirrels and chipmunks that I have to watch out for or they would be in here looking through the kitchen cupboards!


Hahaha, animals are a trick aren't they? I never would have thought that chickens and chipmunks would be in the friendly human club. Has it to do with their individual natures/ personalities or is there a kind of imprinting that takes place when they are little?
Maybe @melinda010100 the animals feel very safe and accepted in our homes. Have a lovely end of the day and hope the weather isn't too unkind right now.

Oops I got too carried away and didn't answer your question, yes it is that little magpie. We were so surprised that it came one day last year with a broken beak and could not imagine what cause this injury. Now it has a mate and a couple of times looks very pregnant, there are times we do not see her.

That is so very cool!
I am just getting to know the chickens. My neighbor has three of them that she lets out of the coop every morning to free range, and they immediately come to my house. They spend the entire day here and then go back to their coop when it starts to get dark. I love having them around.
My daughter made friends with one chipmunk years ago and would feed it peanuts. I think that chipmunk taught all of it's offspring that this was a safe place to come to get a treat. I definitely have the friendliest Chipmunks in the entire Woods!

How amazing animals are @melinda010100, they pick their friends. What does the neighbour think of her chickens spending their days at your place?