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RE: Let our picture tell your story - Edition 5

in Feathered Friends • 3 years ago

There is only one way to settle this. We will duel, ten flaps of the wings turn and honk at each other

This made me laugh out loud 🤣. I once had the unfortunate situation of running into a goose while I was walking on the side walk. It started coming close to me so I walked faster to get away as quickly as possible. I noticed that it was angrily flapping its wings. I am glad I managed to get out.

I had to use this gif because it brought back a lot of my encounters with geese here in Canada.


LOL this gif is so funny.. our moon chased by a goose LOL funnier still.

Hahahahha this was very clever of you sofs-su. Even the forces of nature cannot compete with the goose flap

Now I am wondering about what inspired you to pick the name sofs-su?

LOL they do have solid wings. sounds like you may have experienced a flap or two.😆
Those are parts of my name and my surname.
Sofs in short for Sophie

They will attack you. Canada geese are better than guard dogs.

I know they are vicious, my friend has told me a few times.

🤣🤣🤣 Aggressive, very much so, but the little baby ones are all cute and fuzzy.

Aren't all babies cute?

Cute in my culture, means cunning more often than not, so yes. LOL

Now that is very distressing LOL.. convoluted.

They bite @moon-city and it's bad. Canada geese are nothing to mess with. They tried to enter and office building where I worked once, through revolving doors no less.

I think I've been traumatized by some birds.

They tried to enter and office building where I worked once, through revolving doors no less.

Wow they are getting very confident Nine. Whatever shall we do? This place has become GOOSELAND

On guard against the goose? I don't want to get goosed in Gooseland, might not survive it.

might not survive it.

You and me both. We need to keep our shields up

Shields up Captain!!! 🤪😂

Wow! But yes these things can be mean. This Gif should get a prize for sure. 🤣

LOL yes.. Love that GIF 🤣