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RE: A seabird bonanza here today!

in Feathered Friends4 years ago

Funny how mammas across the world work together by saying similar things.
In our case we had to wear clean underpants every day in case we get into an accident.

Maybe it started in the old days when people liked to scandal. "You know, Gertrude's brother James was in an accident and the doctor almost fainted as there was 3 holes and brown stripes in his underpants" Lol.

But now if you want to see real embarrasment visit one of our local hospitals. They give you a gown that is solid at the front, but open at the back. Sort of to keep the patients humble I think, as nobody can get into a combatitive mood in a gown with their bums sticking out hahaha.

I have had to wear those stupid gowns a few times already and I call them my "Guzzi" suit!

My problem with kindness honestly is that I give too much. I have an old camera collection here 1930 stuff and this week a visitor adored the one camera, so I told him that he can have it. Thankfully he refused to to take it and just as well, as I also like that camera.
My mom used to tell me that I would give my bum away if it was not attached to me hahaha.

But yeah you are right, as I also have no truck for unkind people.

Blessings and thanks!


The world is small and not only all Mamas are the same, but also these gowns in the hospitals. I have been wearing such a thing too after a surgery some years ago. It was really one of the most embarrassing experiences in my life and I was so glad that I had my own pyjama with me 😀

I would give my bum if someone wanted it, but never any of my cameras 🤣

Cheers and !BEER

Oh? So you know how it feels to dance around with one of the hospital's party gowns.
Dance in pain and when you bend over everyone can see your brown eye.
On the way back from the toilet a cute young nurse is bust at your bed and you hide behind a door until she is gone hahaha.

I notice that you call it a thing and indeed, I think the guy that designed that thing was not right in the head.
My problem is that every time when I come out of the aneathestic I fight. Pulling out pipes and trying my best to get up, in the process half naked in front of the world.
A severe embarrasment that party gown my friend.

Well, if you give your bum away, at least you don't have to worry about wearing one of the party gowns anymore hahaha

Cheers and thank you!

Yes, I know exactly how it feels, and I was very glad that I could wear my pyjama instead of this thing. I think they are only using it to entertain the nurses, but I can imagine after one day I would have seen enough of these for the rest of my life 😆

I think the designer had special preferences which we just cannot understand 😉

I keep both, bum and cameras, and next time I'm be in a hospital I'll take care that no one asks me to wear such a gown 😀

Cheers and !BEER

Enbarrasing indeed my friend.
But it is compulsary for the operating theaters and I don't think that the doctors want to struggle to get a guy's pyjama pants off on the operating table lol.

Over here we only take our own pyjamas with, but no valuables, such as watches and jewelry and especially not a camera. My wife keeps the mobile phone and I can only use it when she visits.

Such is hospital life!

Cheers and thanks!

That's true of course, but immediately after the surgery I would change it for the Pyjama if possible. I think even going naked would look better than wearing this gown 😉

Here they have sometimes safes to lock your valuables.

Cheers and !BEER

I do the same. I was in traction for a long time, meaning that they put a steel pin through my feft foot and hooked some cables with a weight at the bottom on to the pin.
The plaster cast on my leg was also strapped to the bed at my groin and I was forced to lay permanetly on my back. Well not permanently, for about a month.
So I could only have a short pants on, but no underpants, as they put a hosepipe into junior that led to a urine bottle.
Mind you, I was full of pipes and wires that led to machines all over place and it was quite an adventure.
So yeah, they know my feelings about that "Guzzi" suit lol.

We don't trust even the safes here. Best is to leave everything at home!

Cheers and thanks!

I know such only from tv to be honest. My first and last surgery was a torn tendon on left ankle many years ago. In 2018 my son had an accident with his motorbike and had to lay in the hospital for a few days because both knees were injured.
But otherwise I have to knock on wood, like we say when we have luck in something.

Cheers and !BEER

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