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RE: An extreme thrill and excitement here!

in Feathered Friends4 years ago (edited)

I see that the Austrian mountain goat is keepin his eye on you Sir @janton hahaha.
I have also been introducing @johannpiber by that name and if anyone is surprised, or complains, I simply blame you hahaha.

Yes, the virus is fierce here, as I hear that we are 16th on the world list. They say that we will have 40 to 50 thousand deaths before the end of this year!

The hospital beds are full and now they are forced to select who will live and who will die.
An example was given that a 38 year old with minor health issues will be selected over an 88 year old lady with high blood pressure.
500 new infections every hour!

In the meantime. we sold out in Johannesburg to a new group that is continuing with all of the projects there and we have moved to the Western Cape Province 2 years ago.
Over here, we continue with the free trauma training for child workers and due to the covid restrictions, we only do feeding in poor areas.

Scary stuff going on here, but life goes on and we are all taking as much care as we can!

So nice to chat to you again.


It's great to hear from you as well sir papilloncharity. Those numbers are shockingly bad and the over-run hospitals is a nightmare! I feel bad for the patients and for the medical staffs who are undoubtedly overwhelmed.

Does the government there require that everyone wear masks?

Thank you my friend and yeah, it's a bad situation.
Problem is that although masks were declared mandatory, so many do not wear them.
Alcohol was also again banned last night, as in addition to covid cases, the hospitals are being overburdened by violence cases and car accidents.

We are in trouble and the sooner that everyone realizes the seriousness, the sooner we can beat this thing.
But I am not holding my breath that this will happen in the near future.
In the meantime South Africa has jumped from 16th to 10th in the world in the covid ratings!

Such is life here!

Oh my gosh! Have you guys ever thought about leaving? lol.

Good morning my friend.
Yes indeed the temptation to leave has appeared now and then, but leave to where and with what.
We do not have big bank balances and one has to have it to leave.
So, no, we are stuck here and have to do the best that we can.


Howdy sir papilloncharity! Well sir, hopefully things can't get any worse and will slowly start improving.

Howdy Sir @janton,
I have a feeling that we haven't hit rock bottom yet, but there is always hope my friend.
Just heard that some "protesters" stoned a small bus this morning.
Not any bus as it was carrying disabled persons and clearly marked as such.
The driver and some of the passengers were hurt.

Cheers and blessings!

Howdy sir papilloncharity! Wow, that incident of stoning a bus of disabled people is about as low as you can go! At least I hope that's as low as they would go but I wouldn't bet on it. Very sad stuff indeed.

Sounds like the protesters over here just using it as an excuse to go crazy and cause destruction.

The Mountain Goat is standing on top of the mountain where it can see everything that's going on - nobody and nothing can hide from the sharp eyes of an Austrian Mountain Goat 🤣 LOL

Cheers and !BEER

You hear that @janton? I think that we have to develop a blindfold for the mountain goat.
A steel one else he will simply eat it hahaha.

Cheers and thank you @johannpiber!

You better do so, but maybe you should use Cryptonite 😉

Cheers and !BEER

Hahaha, at times you can be astounding with your replies my friend!

Blessings and thanks!

Why? Don't you think there's a Super Mountain Goat somewhere? 🤣🤣🤣
Good night my friend and
Cheers and !BEER

🤣 🤣 🤣 Cheers!

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