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RE: Some beach flyers for you today!

in Feathered Friends4 years ago

Yeah I should have known that you would do the same.
A couple that emigrated to another country gave is their very expensive King Size bed.
That was a mattress that any real King would want, but sadly it didn't fit into our room.
At the time we lived in a very small room, so I gave the mattress to the guy that used to deliver our donated food and stuff to the poor areas.
He was the happiest guy on earth hahaha.

Cheers and thanks!


Well, I wouldn't want a king size bed, because I need only a small corner in our normal sized bed now and that's enough for me, but the mattress has to be comfortable, not too soft, but not hard as the floor 😁

You did a very good deed by giving the bed to someone who does good deeds too 👍

Cheers and !BEER

That is exactly my problem Hannes.
I can only sleep on an extra long bed, else my feet stretches over the mattress.
Then with my back problem, I can only sleep on a hard bed.
These beds that they make nowadays are flimsy things and currently our matress springs are starting to stick me in the ribs.

The guy that I gave the bed to, was an ex firechief and they retrenched most of the white people. So he started a small furniture removal business and he voluntarily distrubed all of the donated goods that we sent out.
Some 450 tons of goods from Papillon over the years.

He also moved all of our furniture down here 2 years ago when we relocated.
Early last year he was diagnosed prostrate cancer and after that he deteriorated quicly.
Sadly he died last year in November.

Cheers and thanks!

Oh yes, I forgot about your length Zac. Of course, a normal long mattress wouldn't fit you 😉
I prefer harder mattresses too.

What a nice story, but it has such a sad end. He was certainly a great and good guy.

Cheers and !BEER

A pain to to be tall my friend.
Because of the length of my arms, I have to wear xtra large shirts else the sleeves are too short.
Problem is that the collars are too big so I look like a tortoise in the shirts hahahah

Same with jackets and of course I cannot wear Chinese made pants as they have very few people in China that is my length hahaha

Yeah his name was Richard and he became a very close friend of mine as he had a great caring heart for the suffering of poor people.

Cheers and thanks!

I have always wanted to be taller, but thinking back it actually was better to be smaller, but not the smallest. I'm thinking of the army where it was good to be somewhere in the middle - not in the last row and not in the first 😁

When I buy Chinese clothing I usually order 2 sizes bigger if they don't have separate labels with European sizes on the clothes ;)

Cheers and !BEER

Few guys would admit it Hannes, but it's a constant pain to be tall.
My head has had more bumps than any bumper car ever had lol.
I struggle to sit in the small lunchbox cars that they make nowadays and I have to push the drivers seat so far back, that it looks like the car has no driver, as I am sitting on the back seat hahaha.

Do not even talk about the army, as those obstacle courses were sheer murder.
To crawl on your stomack under rolls of barbed wire is not my idea of fun.
They used to call me "Lampaal", which means "Lamp pole" and had great fun teasing me during the basic days.

I never buy Chinese clothing. Full stop lol.
We have some charity shops here and as the area has many rich travellers, I often get great quaility European shirts and pants at the shops.

You are lucky to be in the middle, not short and not tall is the ideal my friend.

Cheers and thanks!

Should I cry or should I laugh now?

I decide to laugh, not at you though, but at the images I have in my head now 😁
... but I can feel with you, because I have a few colleagues which are about as tall as you are, Zac 😊

Cheers and !BEER

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