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RE: Birds at the ocean!

in Feathered Friends3 years ago

Hahaha, I go nowhere withou my camera my friend. Even to the doctor's rooms and there's a story here, as I dicovered that his wife is a great artist and I did a post long ago about her paintings.

Yeah, those Spurfowls pop in here occasionally, but no kids and they only stay for a short while.
Wonderful how the birds can find safe havens for their kids.

Have a !BEER


Sorry for only replying now! Been so busy the last couple of days.
It is awesome to hear other peoples talents! I try to paint when I can, but I'm more comfortable with my pencils and charcoal.
The guinea fowls come here daily almost. I was lucky to see the chicks grow up almost daily!

No problem my friens, as we are all busy souls.
I admire art, but cannot even draw a pencil (ambidextry) hahaha.
It pained us to see how the guinea fowl chicks reduced in number every day on the farm due to the raptors.

Cheers and !BEER

We were on the golf course yesterday and saw a group of twenty-plus! Even though there are loads of birds of prey. So hopefully their numbers get back up!

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