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RE: Some delightful birds on show.

in Feathered Friends3 years ago

Be careful my brother when you say that she looks fabulous, as she will ne watching your face like a hawk ready for the kill. So think of the most beautiful photo that you ever took when you smile, as then she will think that you genuinely mean it 🤣

Seriously though, all woman wants their husbands to think of them as beautiful and it is always a nice thing to compliment and show appreciation to one's soulmate ♥️

Hahaha, oh yes in those days we had many excuses and I was most times in trouble 🤣

Cheers and thanks.


I can't lie, my friend, even not if this were a nice lie - I would certainly smile because it looks too funny 🤣

Well, you are right, but as said above, I can't lie 🤣🤣🤣 ... my wife is my wife and I love her for sure 😄

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Anything to keep the peace in my book Hannes.
That's why I basically live on jokes, as it get's us both laughing and then it's all cool 🤣

I am sure that she would love to hear this my friend 🤣

Cheers and thanks.

And one more joke: One day I will tell her this 😂🤣

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Hahaha, a funny guy you are indeed 🤣

Cheers and thanks.


!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

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