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RE: We have a new nest!

in Feathered Friends3 years ago

Good afternoon Hannes,

Hahaha, no my friend, I think that we have the goat by it's tail, as nowadays the women are the boss.
And if any enemies emerge, the women will take care of them.

Yes we are lucky with the neighbors, as they are not here during the week, the husband work on road contracts in the mountain passes. So they rent a cottage close to his work and only come home on 2 weekends per month. We look after their place when they are gone.

Glad that you liked the post.

Cheers and thanks.


At least I let mine believe that she's the boss, and I do what she says, of course 🤣

I'd like to have such neighbors - ours like to party and that can get quite loud sometimes, but on the other hand they are nice and even when they have a party they are quite at about 10pm.

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

I think that we are lucky to have good wives Hannes. We also hardly ever have arguments and if we do it lasts maybe for an hour or two, then all is well again.

Great to have neighbors that are almost never here and we also don't have party problems in the complex as there are strict rules. Atilla, sorry, Matilda runs the show here and nobody wants to upset her, so yeah things are calm.

Cheers and thanks.

Yep, a good wife is essential to have a good life 😊

When I was younger there have been quite a few female Atilla's around who shouted all day long what is write and what is wrong, but the modern old ladies nowadays are way more ladies :)

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Hahaha, we have a few "modern" old ladies here that are the sisters of Godzilla my friend 🤣
At a previous place where we stayed I was shocked out of my shoes when a modern old lady pulled a zap sign on me 😮 We named her Gremlin 🤣

Now if you don't laugh at this then you will seriously need some counselling by your daughter 🤣

Cheers and thanks.

Of course I laugh because I know where our Godzilla's have gone 🤣

!BEER and !PIZZA - nice 😃

Ah! Now I get it as you guys send your Godzillas to Africa. There must be an old witch that receives them here to teach them the ways of how to antagonize me 🤣

Cheers and thanks.


!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

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