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RE: Our wild, Red Collared Songbird couple!

in Feathered Friends4 years ago (edited)

Your country sounds as it should be Hannes.
Law and order is absolutely neccessary if a country wants to be stable.
Here the police have become hated and rampaging mobs backed by sinister forces sow havoc every day. 3 big buses have been destroyed by fire this week thus far.

Very complicated with the languages here my friend.

I now have to say a hearty Good Night to you here Hannes 🙂
The orders for the feeding project is waiting for me and I have to sort them out before the morning.

Hope that you guys will have a restful sleep my friend!


At least our country is not as corrupt as many other countries, I think, and we don't have such rage and hate over here.

Good morning Zac, I hope you have found some hours of good sleep too 😊

Cheers and !BEER

Hi Hannes,

I greeted you in a previous reply already.

Yeah, corruption can certainly destroy any country and we have a very sad history about greed. I have my fears that it will never change as the temptations are just too many. 😞

Cheers and thanks!

Greed is the disease which can't be cured I think. Even if the next politicians might be correct - when they smell the power and the money they will change. People will never get enough, although they have everything and enough money for 5 lifes they will want more.

Cheers and !BEER

So true my friend, I resteemed a post by an African friend that will give you a better idea of what's going on here.

Have a look at this!

Cheers and thanks!

I have seen it, thanks. That doesn't sound good and I am sorry, but I am glad to live where I live.

Cheers and !BEER

Glad that you saw the truth about our situation Hannes.
And yes, you can count your blessings for living in a stable and lawful, first world country.
At this pace, the African continent will always stay in the dark ages.

It is such a lovely country with great people, but anchored on the shifting sands of corruption.

Cheers and thanks.

As I said before - greed is the disease. Why can't people just have enough when they have more they can ever spend anyway?

Cheers and !BEER

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